saveyourassetsfirst3 |
- Indian moneylender makes a splash with 3.25 kilo 22 carat gold shirt
- Physical gold, base metals, iron ore and coal – China still drives demand and prices
- Gold to average $1,847 in 2013 on institutional, investor buying – GFMS
- Cycle in gold prices likely to turn in 2013
- Germany's Bundesbank to bring home some of its gold reserves
- India may impose more tax on Gold
- Jim Sinclair: German Gold Repatriation a Reaction to Geithner's Take-Down of Gold at $1800 Via the ESF
- Gold Mean Reversion For Alpha
- Russia's 11-month gold production up 4.9% y/y - lobby
- History suggests the "age of entitlements" could be coming to an end soon
- "Gun control Wednesday": Obama set to move on guns tomorrow
- Have Silver And Silver Wheaton Peaked?
- Mongolia: Fast Growing Economy, Evolving Investment Climate
- Gold’s changing status under Basel III
- So you thought that “Euro bashing” would go unanswered?
- More on Germany’s Repatriation of Their Gold from the Fed
- Kazakhstan Silver production hit 963 tons last year
- German Gold Hijinx
- Gold price holds steady as the Bundesbank announces its plan to repatriate 674 tonnes of gold
- A China Gold bar that rusts
- Stewart Thomson: Key Gold Breakout
- John Stadtmiller Discusses the Debt Ceiling and More with Andy Hoffman
- Trillion dollar battle: Print, baby, print!
- Kumtor to produce 18.7 tons of Gold next year
- Gold & Silver Miners Set To Begin Bullish Trend
- Why The Silver Manipulation MUST End by Ted Butler
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- Peter Schiff Reveals CPI Propaganda By Calculating Real Price Inflation
- Bundesbank Makes Official Announcement, Will Repatriate 1/2 of Germany's Gold Reserves
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- FLASHBACK: 2008 – Germany's Gold is in U.S. custody, Bundesbank confirmed for the first time – thanks to expose by Max and Stacy in 2008
- U.S produces 175 tons of Gold till Sep 2012
Indian moneylender makes a splash with 3.25 kilo 22 carat gold shirt Posted: 16 Jan 2013 06:22 PM PST If any proof was needed about Indians passion for gold, a moneylender in India owns and happily dons a $25,000 gold shirt. |
Physical gold, base metals, iron ore and coal – China still drives demand and prices Posted: 16 Jan 2013 06:18 PM PST The Chinese demand for metals and minerals in the industrial and precious metals sectors has been absolutely key to price growth and is likely to continue to drive prices higher. |
Gold to average $1,847 in 2013 on institutional, investor buying – GFMS Posted: 16 Jan 2013 01:05 PM PST Thomson Reuters GFMS says it expects mine production to grow by around 35 tonnes during the year. |
Cycle in gold prices likely to turn in 2013 Posted: 16 Jan 2013 01:01 PM PST "In the short term, the combination of weaker growth and the run up to the debt ceiling and potential budget sequestration should prove supportive to gold prices," says Goldman Sachs. |
Germany's Bundesbank to bring home some of its gold reserves Posted: 16 Jan 2013 12:52 PM PST Germany amassed gold reserves in the post-war era thanks to rapid economic expansion that saw growing exports to the US, where its dollar claims were turned into gold. |
India may impose more tax on Gold Posted: 16 Jan 2013 12:00 PM PST India is challenged only by China in its appetite for gold, and with nearly all demand covered by imports, the country's purchases are a major factor in global prices. |
Posted: 16 Jan 2013 11:53 AM PST Legendary gold trader Jim Sinclair has sent an email alert to subscribers today stating that the Bundesbank's announcement that they will repatriate 300 tons of gold from the NY Fed and 374 tons from the Bank of Paris is in direct response to outgoing Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's take-down of gold at $1800 in October [...] |
Posted: 16 Jan 2013 11:38 AM PST By Chris Ridder: Most casual investors believe gold underperformed stocks in 2012. SPY went from $122.78 (dividend adjusted) on Dec. 30, 2011, to $142.41 on Dec. 31, 2012, a return of 15.99% (dividends included). GLD moved from $151.99 to $162.02 over the same time period to return 6.60% (data from Yahoo Finance). Trivially, 15.99% > 6.60% and this leads too many investors to proclaim that gold has underperformed stocks. However, this initial investigation is superficial. Remember, the name of this website is "Seeking Alpha." Alpha refers to Jensen's alpha, which is explained in an article here. The article offers the following formula: Click to enlarge images. Since the risk-free rate is currently zero, the formula reduces to the following: Alpha = Return - [Beta(GLD,SPY) * Return] I calculated the beta, using Excel, for the daily returns of GLD and SPY to be .3022 over 2012. Hence, plugging all of the inputs Complete Story » |
Russia's 11-month gold production up 4.9% y/y - lobby Posted: 16 Jan 2013 11:28 AM PST Total gold production stood at 6.54 million troy ounces in January-November of 2012, says the Gold Industrialists' Union. |
History suggests the "age of entitlements" could be coming to an end soon Posted: 16 Jan 2013 10:55 AM PST From The Project to Restore America: It's often good fun and sometimes revealing to divide American history into distinct periods of uniform length. In working on my forthcoming book on American migrations, internal and immigrant, it occurred to me that you could do this using the American-sounding interval of 76 years, just a few years more than the Biblical lifespan of three score and 10. It was 76 years from Washington's First Inaugural in 1789 to Lincoln's Second Inaugural in 1865. It was 76 years from the surrender at Appomattox Courthouse in 1865 to the attack at Pearl Harbor in 1941. Going backward, it was 76 years from the First Inaugural in 1789 to the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, which settled one of the British-French colonial wars. And going 76 years back from Utrecht takes you to 1637, when the Virginia and Massachusetts Bay colonies were just getting organized. As for our times, we are now 71 years away from Pearl Harbor. The current 76-year interval ends in December 2017. Each of these 76-year periods can be depicted as a distinct unit. In the colonial years up to 1713, very small numbers of colonists established separate cultures that have persisted to our times. The story is brilliantly told in David Hackett Fischer's "Albion's Seed." For a more downbeat version, read the recent "The Barbarous Years" by the nonagenarian Bernard Bailyn. From 1713 to 1789, the colonies were peopled by much larger numbers of motley and often involuntary settlers – slaves, indentured servants, the unruly Scots-Irish on the Appalachian frontier. For how this society became dissatisfied with the colonial status quo, read Bailyn's "Ideological Origins of the American Revolution." From 1789 to 1865, Americans sought their manifest destiny by expanding across the continent. They made great technological advances but were faced with the irreconcilable issue of slavery in the territories. For dueling accounts of the period, read the pro-Andrew Jackson Democrat Sean Wilentz's "The Rise of American Democracy" and the pro-Henry Clay Whig Daniel Walker Howe's "What Hath God Wrought." Both are sparklingly written and full of offbeat insights and brilliant apercus. The 1865-1941 period saw a vast efflorescence of market capitalism, European immigration, and rising standards of living. For descriptions of how economic change reshaped the nation and its government, read Morton Keller's "Affairs of State and Regulating a New Society." The 70-plus years since 1941 have seen a vast increase in the welfare safety net and governance by cooperation between big units – big government, big business, big labor – that began in the New Deal and gained steam in and after World War II. I immodestly offer my own "Our Country: The Shaping of America From Roosevelt to Reagan." The original arrangements in each 76-year period became unworkable and unraveled toward its end. Eighteenth-century Americans rejected the colonial status quo and launched a revolution and established a constitutional republic. Nineteenth-century Americans went to war over expansion of slavery. Early 20th-century Americans grappled with the collapse of the private sector economy in the Depression of the 1930s. We are seeing something like this again today... More on government: |
"Gun control Wednesday": Obama set to move on guns tomorrow Posted: 16 Jan 2013 10:55 AM PST From Bloomberg: President Barack Obama will introduce a package of proposals to cut gun violence tomorrow, including a ban on sales of assault weapons that already faces opposition in Congress even as a majority of the public supports it. The administration has invited lawmakers to the White House for an announcement on gun violence at 11:45 a.m. tomorrow, according to a Senate aide, who asked for anonymity because the schedule hasn't been released. Obama will also ask for universal background checks for firearms buyers and a ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines, according to administration officials who asked for anonymity to discuss details before the event. Initiatives to strengthen mental-health checks, tighten school safety, address cultural influences such as violent movies and video games, and improve the government's ability to collect information about gun violence, are also on the list, according to the officials. The plan will include 19 separate steps Obama could take through executive action, prompting complaints from Republicans that the president will abuse the authority of his office to monitor gun owners and restrict their rights. Obama, speaking yesterday on the one-month anniversary of the elementary school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut that killed 20 children and six school employees, said some of his proposals may not become law. Political Constraints "We're going to have to come up with answers that set politics aside – and that's what I expect Congress to do," Obama told reporters at a White House news conference. "Will all of them get through this Congress? I don't know. But what's uppermost in my mind is making sure I'm honest with the American people and Congress about what I think will work." Congressional Democrats shared the president's skepticism. They warned that passing gun legislation will be difficult with lawmakers mired in a debate over government spending, deficit reduction and raising the country's $16.4 trillion debt limit. "How far the shift in attitudes will go on gun-violence prevention remains to seen, in part because there are other competing initiatives that the president is pursuing," said Connecticut senator Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat who's dedicated much of his time to working on the gun issue since the Dec. 14 shootings. Assault Weapons Reinstating an expired 1994 assault-weapons ban, administration officials have indicated, will be among the most difficult to pass, given opposition from gun-rights groups and their allies on Capitol Hill. "The likelihood is that they are not going to be able to get an assault-weapons ban through this Congress," David Keene, the president of the National Rifle Association, said Jan. 13 in an interview with CNN. While allies expressed support for the White House plans, some Democrats urged the president to take a narrower approach, concentrating on expanding background checks and limiting high- capacity ammunition magazines, proposals that even many gun owners back. Support for banning high-capacity magazines has reached a new high, at 65 percent, according to an ABC News/Washington Post poll released yesterday. The survey has tracked the issue since early 2011. Requiring background checks on firearms buyers at gun shows has the support of 88 percent of Americans, while 58 percent want to ban the sale of assault weapons, the poll found. Fifty- five percent back the NRA's call for armed guards in schools. Setting Priorities "We really need to prioritize what we do," said Representative Mike Thompson, a California Democrat who is chairman of a House panel on gun violence. The Connecticut massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School pushed the issue of gun violence to the top of the president's agenda in his second term. Obama is reviewing proposals gathered by Vice President Joe Biden, who spent decades in the Senate working on gun restrictions and was appointed by the president to lead an administration-wide effort to craft a policy response. Yesterday, Biden met with the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, a group of House Democrats, including Representative Ron Barber of Arizona, who was wounded in the same shooting that injured former Representative Gabrielle Giffords, also an Arizona Democrat, and Thompson, a gun owner. School Safety Thompson, along with a number of Democrats including California Senator Barbara Boxer, encouraged the administration to include measures on school safety, such as funding more police officers in public schools and installing classroom doors that lock from the inside. The meeting was one of several the vice president hosted with stakeholders in the gun debate, including victims groups as well as the NRA. Once the president releases his recommendations, the focus will shift to Congress, where a number of members are already planning to offer legislation. Among them is Senator Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat who has said she will introduce a bill expanding the classification of assault weapons and prohibiting their sale and importation. Biden has told lawmakers that the administration intends to use White House powers to act on new policies, saying officials have gathered a list of measures that can be taken without congressional approval. Republican Objections Those options have invited opposition from Republicans, who maintain the president is overreaching the power of his office. Representative Steve Stockman, a Texas Republican, said he'd file articles of impeachment if the president uses executive actions to restrict gun rights. "The president's actions are not just an attack on the Constitution and a violation of his sworn oath of office – they are a direct attack on Americans that place all of us in danger," he said in a statement. Much of the challenge in the Congress stems from the wide reach of the NRA, both in terms of campaign contributions and its grassroots network. Forty-seven percent of the members of the House received funding from the NRA's political action committee in their most recent race, according to an analysis by the Sunlight Foundation, a Washington-based group that tracks political giving. One of the NRA's top recipients, with $64,000 in contributions over his career, is Pete Sessions, a Texas Republican. Sessions will serve as chairman of the House Rules Committee, giving him authority over which legislation gets to the House floor for a final vote. NRA Scorecard While most of the NRA's contributions are small – the average PAC contribution in the House was $2,390 – it keeps a scorecard that rates lawmakers' votes. Its 4 million members serve as a powerful grassroots network that targets lawmakers who disagree with its positions. Rahm Emanuel, the Chicago mayor who advised then-President Bill Clinton during the 1993 Crime Bill and 1994 assault weapons ban, urged Obama to limit the congressional debate and seek to achieve as many measures as possible through executive actions. "Whatever you can do administratively, clear the table, man," said Emanuel, during an address in Washington yesterday. "Don't allow a side issue to derail these things." To contact the reporters on this story: Lisa Lerer in Washington at; Heidi Przybyla in Washington at To contact the editor responsible for this story: Steven Komarow at More on "gun control": |
Have Silver And Silver Wheaton Peaked? Posted: 16 Jan 2013 10:47 AM PST By Lior Cohen: Silver Wheaton Corp. (SLW) hasn't performed well in recent months. The company's stock declined in the last two months of 2012. This downward trend might have stemmed from the company's decision to cut its dividend payment by 30% to 7 cents a share in the fourth quarter and the third quarter financial results. Moreover, the decline of silver during recent months may have also played a part in the drop in Silver Wheaton's stock. Is the rally of silver and Silver Wheaton over? Let's examine the recent developments related to the silver market to answer this question. During last month, shares of Silver Wheaton decreased by 1.8%. In comparison, the price of silver decreased by 9.1%. iShares Silver Trust (SLV) fell by 9.2%. The chart below presents the developments of Silver Wheaton, silver and S&P500 index (normalized prices to the end of September, 2012). As seen, both silver Complete Story » |
Mongolia: Fast Growing Economy, Evolving Investment Climate Posted: 16 Jan 2013 10:46 AM PST By Leo Liu: Leo Liu is a private investor and currently holds the position of Investor Relations Officer with Prophecy Coal Corp. High economic growth driven by mining activity Mongolia, entirely flanked to the north and south by Russia and China, is the most sparsely populated country in the world. However, the country has vast natural resources with more than 6,000 known mineral deposits of 80 different minerals. It has the potential to become a major player in global commodity markets with its rich gold, copper, zinc, uranium, coal, molybdenum and oil reserves. Economic activity in Mongolia has traditionally been based on agriculture and the breeding of livestock. The economy underwent significant structural changes in the past and has since become increasingly reliant on the mineral sector. Ever since the early 1990s Mongolia has been on a steady upward path recording real GDP growth every year except for 2009. Figure 1: Structure change Complete Story » |
Gold’s changing status under Basel III Posted: 16 Jan 2013 10:27 AM PST The BIS and BCBS are two regulatory bodies play a considerably important role in the development of international banking supervisory standards. And, as it happens, they also put forward propositions on how gold is to be seen by the banks. |
So you thought that “Euro bashing” would go unanswered? Posted: 16 Jan 2013 09:45 AM PST For the last 2 years or more, "Euro bashing" was all the rave. Every time the Euro would pop its head up above water, a rating agency would conveniently (and I must say in timely fashion) downgrade one of their sovereign states. Don't get me wrong, there are basket cases throughout Europe but you must ask yourself why the downgrades always seemed so "timely?" I as many others have, pointed to this bashing as a way to turn the spotlight away from the U.S.. It worked and quite well I might add with the exception of the summer 2011 when the U.S. squabbled over the unlimited debt limit. The Euro is again bumping the 1.33 level at nearly one year highs versus the Dollar and the spot light is pointed squarely in the direction of the U.S.. We still have the so called fiscal cliff, sequestration and debt ceiling issues to address. They haven't gone away, won't go away and fundamentally cannot go away because in essence they are part of a bankruptcy proceeding when looked at with "reality glasses" on. Of course, Europe knows full well the "timing" of past downgrades and op ed pieces that knocked them down and then kicked them for good measure. Enter the recent news of Germany repatriating their Gold! As far as I know, BUBA (The Bundesbank) has not confirmed or elaborated the story released Monday that BUBA would begin repatriating Gold. And yes, if true this has ALL the hallmarks of distrust amongst central banks… with very good reason! Assuming that the story is true and Germany does proceed with recalling their Gold, this action must be seen for what it is. The obvious is the "distrust" issue but on a more subtle note… the timing? As mentioned above, the U.S. has an action packed few months ahead with its fiscal and taxation issues. With the stage set as it is, can the timing of Gold repatriation be seen as anything other than an "answer" to the previous Euro bashing? Is Germany adding pressure to the "cooker" by taking these actions before rather than after our foolish fiscal debates? Could they have waited until after the smoke cleared? And curiously, why are they only requesting smaller amounts to be shipped annually? Is the total stash just too big, bulky and heavy to transport in one year or are they just being "polite" and not asking for it all at once because they know it isn't there? Whatever the answers, it is clear that central banks don't have 100% trust in other central banks which can only lead to further distrust in central banks by those who use their currencies. Germany has struck a jab back at the U.S. and done it at a very opportune time. Though I'm not so sure that Germany really wants a higher Euro since that will put pressure on their manufacturing sector. Maybe, just maybe they would like to see a higher Gold price? Maybe this is being done and the timing now because "deliveries" are about to dry up and they know it. It could be that large orders are being slowed or whittled down and that is seen as a sign of lack of supply. I'm not sure what to think but action, the timing of the action and country of origin of the action is surprising, curious and should really raise the eyebrows of even the most heavily sleeping sheeple among us! Hold that thought.About 5 minutes after pressing the send button on my piece this morning BUBA announced that they will repatriate a WHOPPING 300 tons from NY… over 8 years??? 32 or so tons per year? Uh, why so little and why such a long time frame? Heck, Chavez pulled 211 tons from London about a year ago… and did it all within 4 or 5 months. I guess they didn't want to roil the markets… or maybe this gives enough time for the metal to actually be mined and shipped? This really raises far more questions than could have been asked before their announcement. None of it makes any sense to me, if I look at it from the "mainstream" standpoint I cannot reckon the logic. Of course, the mainstream never asks logical questions because the answers never add up. There is far more behind this than meets the eye. The simplest explanation is that Germany does want their Gold back, they know that it has been leased out and already sold which means it is not available for delivery …now. They do not want to go down in history as the ones who blew up the Ponzi scheme so they are allowing time; time to dig it up and fabricate it over 8 years. But this still doesn't account for the rest of the Gold supposedly held by the Fed… like I said it doesn't add up and making heads or tails of it is not working for me. Any thoughts? Send them please. Similar Posts: |
THE BEAUTY OF SILVER….IS GOLD Posted: 16 Jan 2013 09:40 AM PST By SD Contributor SRSrocco: While gold is known as the King of Monetary Metals, Silver will become the "OFFICIAL ROYAL UNDERDOG". Investment demand for silver hasn't even begun yet. This is what I will be discussing in my upcoming presentation. Investors who are worried about silver selling off after the big move up with gold [...] |
More on Germany’s Repatriation of Their Gold from the Fed Posted: 16 Jan 2013 09:30 AM PST Our oldest granddaughter Molly is taking college courses in Barcelona this winter. One of her classes is on democracy in Western Europe. She learned that over 30% of French citizens support the Skin Heads (a.k.a a later-day version of the Hitler Youth, right on down to their use of the Swastika) because they want all foreigners out, starting with the dark skin Muslims from North African and of course, the Jews. The Skin Heads are responsible for overturning head stones in Jewish cemeteries and for attacks on Jewish students and elderly. Usually, nothing is done. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Why would any Jew still want to live in France? Beats me! Are we already forgetting the lessons of WW2? It seems like the French have. I think it's going to be a very long time before I see Paris again! Check it out. Platinum is now selling at the same price as gold. Spot price for an ounce of either is about $1,680. Last spring I suggested our readers buy platinum, which at the time was selling for $150 an ounce less than gold. It turned out to be a very good time to buy platinum. Jim Sinclair, Bill Murphy (LeMetropole Café) and Andy Hoffman have added to yesterday's discussion on Germany's repatriation of her gold. This has the potential to set the gold market on fire. Today it will be interesting to see what the "official" statement from the Bundesbank says. If the published rumors are accurate, then today could be gold's Fourth of July with all the fireworks that go with it. It will bring to the forefront the issue of whether the US really owns all the gold that they claim to have stored at Fort Knox, but never allows an independent audit to verify that its really there. If the unthinkable occurs, and we really have sold and leased out our gold, where will the US come up with one half of a year's supply to satisfy the Germans? And if they have to go into the market to source it, what will happen to the price? And what will happen to the credibility of the Fed and the dollar? Personally, I expect delays, excuses and games to be played, but no immediate delivery back to Germany. That is all it will take for gold to soar. This event may set off an avalanche of similar requests to repatriate gold stored at the Fed by numerous smaller countries. It's going to be put up or shut up time for the Fed. This one can't be swept under the rug. Who knows? Maybe the Fed will come up with the gold and silence the "conspiratorial" voices among us. Bix must be on the edge of his seat this morning! And Murphy too! Here is what Ranting Andy had to say:
Here are Jim Sinclair's comments:
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Kazakhstan Silver production hit 963 tons last year Posted: 16 Jan 2013 09:24 AM PST Earlier this year, Kazakhstan planned to boost the share of gold in its gold and foreign currency reserves to 20 percent from 14-15 percent. |
Posted: 16 Jan 2013 08:54 AM PST I guess it all depends on how you look at it. Either this is all on the up-and-up or it isn't. Either this is a purely political show or it isn't. Either the gold is really there to be repatriated or it isn't. It's up to you to decide. |
Gold price holds steady as the Bundesbank announces its plan to repatriate 674 tonnes of gold Posted: 16 Jan 2013 08:06 AM PST |
Posted: 16 Jan 2013 08:03 AM PST A gold bar sold by China's state-controlled China National Gold Group showed signs of rust. |
Stewart Thomson: Key Gold Breakout Posted: 16 Jan 2013 08:00 AM PST Submitted by Stewart Thomson Gold has risen above HSR (horizontal support & resistance) at $1675, and did so while bursting above a key short term trend line. The arrival of the gold price at key HSR, in the $1630-$1650 area, was accompanied by rampant bearishness amongst most gold investors. The Hulbert sentiment index for gold [...] |
John Stadtmiller Discusses the Debt Ceiling and More with Andy Hoffman Posted: 16 Jan 2013 08:00 AM PST Andy Hoffman discusses the debt ceiling, repatriation of Germany's gold and more with John Stadtmiller of Republic Broadcasting. Andy Hoffman Discusses the Debt Ceiling with John Stadtmiller Similar Posts: |
Trillion dollar battle: Print, baby, print! Posted: 16 Jan 2013 07:47 AM PST While the introduction of a trillion-dollar coin has been shrugged off as nonsense, there are plenty of nonsensical concepts employed in our monetary system. Here we'll shed light on a few of them. |
Kumtor to produce 18.7 tons of Gold next year Posted: 16 Jan 2013 07:28 AM PST The company planned to invest in general about $95 millions in the Kumtor deposit in 2013. Some $13,5 million is planned to be spent on exploration work. |
Gold & Silver Miners Set To Begin Bullish Trend Posted: 16 Jan 2013 07:23 AM PST The following is an exclusive excerpt from the Astrology Traders newsletter dated January 13, 2013. Jeff Pierce technical analyst, and Karen Starich financial astrologer, combine both techniques to carve out the market trend and timing for investments. With unprecedented results for the precious metals sector, Astrology Traders offers clear and accurate analysis that cuts through the media narrative. In the October 28th update I advised that Gold and silver could see a rally November 6th-23rd 2012 and then experience weakness into December 23, 2012. In the December 22nd update I advised caution for a potentially more severe pullback, particularly for gold, beginning January 2nd. These events have played out and I have also stressed that there could be pressure on gold into the end of March. This week I want to add some additional thoughts regarding the recent price moves for the metals. The move on January 2nd and 3rd may have been intended to drop the gold price below $1600–that did not happen. In my view going forward this is positive for gold, however, Saturn is moving slow and will retrograde in February which could continue to hinder the metal. Gold may have a more bullish move setting up toward the end of March. Pluto at 10 degrees Capricorn is positive for mining, so even if gold may seem stuck the miners may start to look bullish.
Silver may have a different story. Beginning January 15th and particularly strong on January 28th we could see silver make strong advances. There may be industrial purchases for silver in addition to public buying that drives prices beginning next week. Silver looks powerfully bullish in the astrology after March 25th and all the way into the end of 2013. I did mention several dates in earlier public article on Gold Silver Worlds as well: Financial astrology – Metals Under Accumulation. Silver Wheaton Corporation (SLW) The recent pullback in gold and silver January 2nd and 3rd was more harsh for gold and may have been intended to break the price below $1600. Silver held near $30 and has continued to consolidate near $30. Recent demand for silver is increasing. On January 7th the U.S. mint sold an all time record of just over 3.9 million 1 oz silver coins in one day! The demand for silver coins may continue and possibly grow. The miners may start to recover some momentum and I like Silver Wheaton at current levels. Jeff wants to see SLW break out of the smaller wedge and tells me there is a risk now that could pull the stock lower into the bigger wedge. With the consideration of the astrology mentioned above I believe we could see the break above the smaller wedge in the short term. consider scaling into SLW at current levels and if the stock pulls back. The Safest Way To Leverage The Coming Gold Mania
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Why The Silver Manipulation MUST End by Ted Butler Posted: 16 Jan 2013 07:22 AM PST This is an excerpt from Ted Butler's latest newsletter to his paid subscribers. We strongly encourage readers to subscribe to the newsletter on for in-depth analysis in the gold and silver markets. A long time subscriber asked a question this week that I would imagine may be on many minds: "Ted, you have frequently stated that all manipulations must end. Why is that? After 25 years it still appears to be going strong. Why can't it go on for another 25 years, or for infinity?" That's a great question. First, let me define all manipulations as being commodity price manipulations, as opposed to manipulations of other things. We have documented experience in such commodity market manipulations over the past decades, including copper, soybeans, potatoes and even silver in 1980, to the upside. All these previous manipulations did end and ended dramatically, but I admit that doesn't prove conclusively, by itself, that such manipulations must end. What I think mandates that all commodity price manipulations must end is the law of supply and demand. Actually, this law would be better termed the law of supply and demand and price, because supply and demand are balanced by the fulcrum of price. If a price is set artificially too high, eventually supply increases and demand decreases to the point where the price must collapse. Likewise, if a price is set artificially too low (as I allege in silver), eventually supply is reduced and demand is increased to the point where the price must explode. Therefore, an artificial price, either too high or too low, will distort the forces of physical supply and demand to the point of a radical rebalancing of the price. Incidentally, the distortion of the free market forces of supply and demand by an artificial price causes such collateral damage to the workings of a free market economy that explains why preventing manipulation is the most important mission of the CFTC and is at the heart of US antitrust law. The difference between most prior manipulations (except potatoes in 1976) and the current silver manipulation is that they were upside manipulations, which are much easier to understand. Most people grasp that if a single entity buys such a large percentage of an item that it can create a corner on the market and force prices higher, whether by the Hunt Bros in silver or the Sumitomo trader in copper. More people have trouble with the concept of short selling (selling something that you don't own) than the concept of buying something you don't own. But a controlling market share can artificially set prices to be either too high or too low and invariably the law of supply and demand and price will force a radical change for the price. It is said that no one entity is bigger than the market. I hold this to be true because of the law of supply and demand and price. While I believe that JPMorgan has set an artificial low price in silver by virtue of their massive concentrated short position I also believe the forces of real silver supply and demand must overwhelm JPM's artificial price setting. The real key to the price is timing. Specifically, when will the forces of supply and demand overwhelm JPMorgan's rigged lower price of silver? Usually, I answer that I'm an analyst not a prophet to explain my reluctance in timing such an event, but I'm going to look at it differently today. The truth is that the downward silver manipulation has lasted much longer than I ever imagined it would, especially considering just how successful I have been in convincing others that it exists. This manipulation has existed for more than 25 years, so what guarantee is there that it can't last another quarter of century or forever? The guarantee lies in the law of supply and demand and price. The guarantee is that if the price is set artificially low, there will be enough of an increase in demand and decrease in supply to eventually cause the price to explode. I think the key here is to look at what's on the scoreboard rather than dwell on what we want to be on the scoreboard. Let's face it – most of us want this manipulation to be over and for the price to explode already. When it doesn't explode we naturally imagine that it may never explode (especially on down days). I would ask that you look at it differently. Instead of focusing on why the silver manipulation hasn't already ended amid increased demand and restrained supply, try to look at what has occurred in the real world of silver supply and demand over the past 25 years. If silver had been manipulated and the price was kept artificially lower over the last quarter century (as I allege) then certain supply demand factors should reflect that. I think those factors are visible. For one thing, there is far less above ground silver in the world than there was 25 or 75 years ago. Twenty five years ago, there was close to three billion oz in silver bullion inventories and seventy five years ago there was ten billion oz. Today, there's only a bit over one billion ounces. If silver wasn't manipulated in price, then where did all that silver go? I didn't say that prices didn't go higher (over the past 6 years or so) just that if prices weren't artificially depressed in price the world wouldn't have eaten up so much of it. Further, the billion ounces of silver bullion that does still exist is now owned by a radically different type of owner than held silver 25 or 75 years ago. I claim these new owners are much more aware that silver has been artificially depressed in price and that is the main reason they have chosen to own it. This new set of owners is not interested in selling until the artificial low price is rectified. Yes, the mine production and consumption of silver has grown over the past 25 years, but that's more a function of by-product mining gains and the growth of population and world economic growth. The lynchpin is the drop in inventories from 25 and 75 years ago. If silver weren't artificially depressed in price, that wouldn't have occurred. This article is about silver, but I can't help but highlight the difference between silver and gold. Whereas silver inventories had declined drastically (until recently), world gold inventories have done nothing but expand over every time period. Particularly instructive is what has occurred in silver supply and demand recently, say the last two years. There are more signs today that physical silver demand is closer to overwhelming supply than ever before due to the artificial low price. I didn't know it at the time, but in hindsight the world was on the brink of a physical silver shortage for the first time in history around the April 2011 high in price. We ran up from $20 to $50, from the fall of 2010 not because of speculative buying on the COMEX, normally the key price driver. By process of elimination, it had to be physical demand overwhelming physical supply, because nothing else could explain the jump.
This is an excerpt from Ted Butler's latest newsletter to his paid subscribers. We strongly encourage readers to subscribe to the newsletter on for in-depth analysis in the gold and silver markets. Gold Report Sign Up Below
Delays In Deliveries of Physical Gold : Swiss Refiners Overwhelmed with Orders Posted: 16 Jan 2013 07:21 AM PST GoldBroker |
Peter Schiff Reveals CPI Propaganda By Calculating Real Price Inflation Posted: 16 Jan 2013 07:20 AM PST In a recent newsletter update and video message, Peter Schiff explains how the official price inflation measurement is not reflecting the daily reality. That is because since the 1970′s the preferred government inflation metrics have changed thoroughly. Beginning in the early 1980′s the methodologies were altered to compensate for a variety of consumer behavior. The new "chain weighted CPI" for instance incorporates changes in relative spending, substitution bias, and subjective improvements in product quality. If you simply focus on price, especially on those staple commodity goods and services that haven't radically changed over the years, the underreporting of inflation becomes more apparent. The conclusions should not come as a surprise to most of us. Our "intuition" already knows this but now it has also been proven statistically by Peter Schiff and his team. They conducted their own research to prove that real price inflation (the one that matters for 99% of citizens) is much higher than the official CPI index is revealing. Therefore the team randomly identified price changes of 10 everyday goods and services over two separate 10 year periods, and then compared those changes to the reported changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) over the same period. The 10 selected items are: eggs, new cars, milk, gasoline, bread, rent of primary residence, coffee, dental services, potatoes, and electricity. Just to make sure, the team ran the same experiment with 10 different goods and services: sugar, airline tickets, butter, store bought beer, apples, public transportation, cereal, tires, beef and veal, and prescription drugs. The results were notably similar. The prices were analyzed in the period between 1970 and 1980 and then again between 2002 and 2012, because these time frames both had big deficits and loose monetary policy. But they straddle the time in which the most significant changes to inflation measurement methodology took effect. Between 1970 and 1980 the officially reported CPI rose a whopping 112%, and prices of the anlayzed basket of goods and services rose by 117%, just a 4% faster than the CPI. In contrast between 2002 and 2012 the CPI rose just 27.5%. But the basket much faster, accounting for a 62% difference! So the methods used in the 1970′s to calculate CPI effectively captured the price changes of the analyzed goods, but only got half of those movements more recently. Peter Schiff's team did the same calculation with newspapers and magazines. In fact, it is very easy to check those prices as they are printed on the covers. We analyzed the prices of America's 10 most popular newspapers and magazines: the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, Time Magazine, Sports Illustrated, US News, World Report, News Week, the New York Times, USA Today and the Los Angeles Times. The prices in 1999 were compared with the prices today. The average increase in the cover price of those ten newspapers and magazines is 131.5% versus an official price increase reported by the governmental statistics of 37.1%. It is very interesting to have all these newspapers reporting on the fact that there is no inflation, fed by figures of the government, while apparently they did not notice what has happened with their own prices. Moreover, a recent poll of likely voters conducted by Fox News in the weeks before the election, revealed that 41% of respondents identified "rising prices" as their top economic concern. This response beat out "unemployment" by nearly two to one. The underreporting of price movements would explain why inflation is a concern on Main Street even while it's not a concern on Pennsylvania Avenue. If these price changes in the experiments had been fully captured, CPI could currently be high enough to severely restrict Fed action to stimulate the economy. The Safest Way To Leverage The Coming Gold Mania Gold and silver are the antidoteEveryone who follows Peter Schiff his work knows that he is a big believer in gold and silver. The precious metals have historically been excellent ways to preserve one's purchasing power over the long term. However, in today's world they do not act well as a medium of exchange. Although Peter Schiff was able to prove that the corrupted currencies are not a store of value, they are still used predominantly for exchange. To solve this problem, Peter Schiff and his teams worldwide worked out a totally new service: the first Gold and Silver Debit Card. It looks like a traditional debit card, but it has some unique features that help people protect their purchasing power and profit from the real benefits of precious metals:
Even if the holder wants to leave the country for whatever reason, there is no need to travel with physical metal holdings when card access is available. The debit card is accepted in over 210 countries and millions of merchants worldwide. The gold and silver debit card serves multiple purposes in a way that has not been offered in any service before. It is an example of innovation in a way that stimulates usage of the metal. |
Bundesbank Makes Official Announcement, Will Repatriate 1/2 of Germany's Gold Reserves Posted: 16 Jan 2013 07:14 AM PST It's official. The Bundesbank has just invoked pure holy terror among the bullion banking cartel. The Bundesbank will officially begin repatriating 1/2 of Germany's gold reserves. The real question is why now? What has changed over the past 3 months? Is Germany preparing to leave the Euro and introduce a gold-backed Deutsche Mark? By 2020, [...] |
Posted: 16 Jan 2013 07:11 AM PST Goldmoney |
Gold cycle "could turn this year" says Goldman Posted: 16 Jan 2013 07:10 AM PST "In the short term, the combination of weaker growth and the run up to the debt ceiling and potential budget sequestration should prove supportive to gold prices," says a note from Goldman Sachs. |
Precious Metal Investments for Beginners Posted: 16 Jan 2013 07:04 AM PST The current global economic crisis is increasing the important of precious metals. They're adequate hard assets with intrinsic value, they're the best hedges against inflation. Naturally, it's good to avoid holding too large amounts of currencies – regardless whether US dollars, euros, Japanese yens, pound sterling or anything else. Fiat currencies are doomed and the masses are turning away from them. Are your financial assets safe? Can you face a worsening economic situation? Is your family's future safe? If you haven't planned, then it's a good idea to start now – educate yourself and invest in precious metals before it's too late. Act as fast as possible, otherwise hyperinflation will devalue your savings and turn them into worthless pieces of paper or worthless digital glitches inside the computer system of a bank.
The Minimum That You Should Know… Gold's karats reflect its purity. It's a measure showing us how pure a certain gold object is (meaning: how much gold it contains). 24 karats is pure 100 % gold, while lower figures will mean lower purity (therefore, inferior quality). Silver, gold, platinum and palladium are the most popular investment metals. Bullion bars and coins and rounds are the form in which you can buy investment metals. The investment metals are sold in quantities measured by ounces (oz), grams (g), kilograms (kg). 1 ounce = 31.104 grams. Prices vary constantly, therefore it is wise to watch them on in order to be up-to-date with the trends. Merchants will put a certain percentage on top of the spot price (the official price) whenever they sell bullion products.
Educate Yourself provides free precious metals investment advice, coverage of current news and trends. They also give away free downloadable reports. It's a detailed free online resource for getting educated and being up-to-date with what happens with precious metals. Closely watch and read the blogs and the books of two renowned economists and investors: Marc Faber and Peter Schiff. Additionally: watch the videos related to the issue of precious metals (investing in them, prices, but you will even find details about fakes and how to avoid scams). The Safest Way To Leverage The Coming Gold Mania Gold Report Sign Up Below
10oz NTR Bars As Low As 79 Cents Over Spot!! Posted: 16 Jan 2013 06:59 AM PST Doc's Deal Of The Day 10oz NTR Bars AS LOW AS 79 CENTS OVER SPOT!! CLICK HERE OR CALL 614-300-1094 TO ORDER!! 50+ BARS ONLY 79 CENTS OVER SPOT 10-49 BARS ONLY 99 CENTS OVER SPOT 5-9 BARS ONLY $1.19 OVER SPOT 1-4 BARS ONLY $1.29 OVER SPOT ANY SILVER PURCHASE OF 100 OUNCES OR [...] |
WATERSHED EVENT: Bundesbank Wants Its GOLD Back! Posted: 16 Jan 2013 06:50 AM PST Andy Hoffman joins the SGTReport on the day Germany tells the NY FED, "We want our PHYSICAL gold back!" This is a watershed event because once the Central Banks themselves no longer trust each other, the jig is up – it makes the game of fixing the paper gold price with already hypothecated gold a heck of a lot harder. We are fast approaching the final stage of this monetary Ponzi scheme; Hyperinflation of the dollar, which could begin later this year. Watch this two part discussion with the SGT Report: WATERSHED EVENT: Bundesbank Wants Its GOLD Back! – Andy Hoffman: PT. 1
The Final Stage of the Ponzi: HYPERINFLATION – Andy Hoffman: PT 2 Similar Posts: |
Gold finds support in U.S. debt limit delays, stimulus measures Posted: 16 Jan 2013 06:43 AM PST Weaker growth, the U.S. debt ceiling discussions and the hopes for more central bank stimulus have been supporting gold prices. |
Posted: 16 Jan 2013 05:52 AM PST Keiser's documentary may be sensational for getting an acknowledgement from the German central bank, for the first time, that Germany's gold reserves are actually in the custody of the United States. This is a detail the Bundesbank long has denied … Continue reading |
U.S produces 175 tons of Gold till Sep 2012 Posted: 16 Jan 2013 05:46 AM PST With the September addition, US gold production till September last year climbed to 5,626,380 ounces, (175,000 Kg), slighly lower from same period of 2011. |
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