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- Many junior gold miners now at bargain basement prices - Lundin
- HUI Weekly Chart
- Public Buying “Monstrous” Amounts Of Physical Gold & Silver
- Godfrey Bloom on Feminism, Globalism and the Coming Collapse of the European Union
- Why The Long Bond Will Continue To Defy Gravity
- 2013: ‘The End Game'- Is the Big Reset Imminent?
- 75 Facts Revealed – How Is America Really Doing?
- Griffon: Betting On The Mythical Creature
- Did Super Human Silver Judge Bust Aging Myth?
- The All-Aristocrat Team: 20 Dividend Stocks Retirees Should Own In 2013 (Part 1)
- Gold & Silver: Opposing Forces Very Under-Rated
- NEW CONTEST: Sunday, Dec. 30th: Comment No. 2011 Gets A 1 Oz. Canadian Maple Leaf – Comment No. 2012 Gets A 1 Oz. ‘Silver Keiser' – And Comment No. 2013 Gets A New 1 Oz. ‘Keiser Ethical Silver' Round
- Deepcaster: Cartel Supressing Gold & Silver's Role As Canaries of the Financial World
- Coca-Cola Will Provide Profits To Stockholders Even If The U.S. Falls Off The Fiscal Cliff
- Public Buying Monstrous Amounts Of Physical Gold & Silver
- Federal Judge Dismisses Silver Manipulation Lawsuit Against JP Morgan
- Gold & Silver COT Report 12/28/12: Commercials Cover 43 Million Ounces of Silver Shorts into Price Smash!
- Will we see 6 dollar silver and 500 gold?
- “As prices breakout to the upside, gold and silver will be looking at another massive move higher.”
- Keiser offers silver rounds to protest occupation by bankers
- Vietnam Continues Gold Market Clamp Down
Many junior gold miners now at bargain basement prices - Lundin Posted: 30 Dec 2012 04:30 PM PST According to Brien Lundin, junior resource stocks have been absolutely decimated over the past year resulting in bargains galore. An interview with The Gold Report. |
Posted: 30 Dec 2012 10:20 AM PST by Dan Norcini
While the broader stock market has fared well since the beginning of the year, it too began fading about the same time as did the overall mining sector. However, it still techically remains in an uptrend as long as it holds above the 1350-1340 level unlike the mining shares which have completely broken down falling through one support level after another. Continue Reading at… Gold Report Sign Up Below
Public Buying “Monstrous” Amounts Of Physical Gold & Silver Posted: 30 Dec 2012 10:19 AM PST from King World News
Here is what Haynes had to say: "Eric, this was a 3 day week for us because of the holiday schedule. In that 3 days we did more business than what we have done in any single week in years. The buying is monstrous in here. As an example, we had one buyer which completed a transaction for $6.8 million." Continue Reading at… Gold Report Sign Up Below
Godfrey Bloom on Feminism, Globalism and the Coming Collapse of the European Union Posted: 30 Dec 2012 10:18 AM PST From The Daily Bell
Introduction: Godfrey Bloom is a Member of the European Parliament for Yorkshire and the Humber for the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP). He was first elected in 2004, and re-elected in 2009. Before becoming an MEP, Bloom worked as a financial economist. In 2004, Bloom's election to the Yorkshire and the Humber seat was the UKIP's first seat in the region in the European elections. He is an unusual politician, known for making controversial statements and supporting them unapologetically. Daily Bell: Give us some background on yourself. You worked as a financial economist? Where? Godfrey Bloom: City of London. Daily Bell: When did you decide to join UKIP – and what is it? Godfrey Bloom: I joined in 1995, I had never been involved in politics but as head of fixed interest investments at a specialist investment company I saw the overwhelming dangers of a common currency in Europe without political reform. At the time nobody seemed to see the danger, whatever they may say now. When a guest lecturer at Cambridge University they thought I was mad. Continue Reading at… Gold Report Sign Up Below
Why The Long Bond Will Continue To Defy Gravity Posted: 30 Dec 2012 10:10 AM PST By Last week I published my first article with Seeking Alpha which generated a comment asking about my opinion on the 30 year U.S. Treasury bond. Since I thought it was a good question, I decided I should try and begin to tackle the subject. The short answer to the question is that I refuse to fight the Fed and the Fed is supporting the long bond. In the long run, however, it's toast. Book it. Beat it. Rail against it all you want, but the 30 year U.S. Treasury bond will drop drastically in price. The big question everyone wants answered is, of course, when? I'm sorry to report that I have no more a crystal ball on this than the Mayans did about the end of the world. And if I claimed such knowledge I would recommend you stop reading anything else I Complete Story » |
2013: ‘The End Game'- Is the Big Reset Imminent? Posted: 30 Dec 2012 09:05 AM PST Raoul Paul sent shock-waves throughout the financial markets in June in what Tyler Durden called the scariest presentation ever, when Paul predicted a complete systemic collapse of the financial system was merely 6-9 months away. Is the Big Reset still imminent? 'The world has no engine of growth with most of the G20 countries approaching [...] |
75 Facts Revealed – How Is America Really Doing? Posted: 30 Dec 2012 08:55 AM PST An amazing list of real facts was published by The Economic Collapse Blog, entitled 75 Economic Numbers From 2012 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe. An excellent article that presents 75 facts & figures, based on research or surveys, indicating the real state of the US. Reviewing those facts and comparing them with the messages in the mainstream media and the government, we see such a huge disconnect. We selected what we consider "fundamental facts" based on the following themes: Social drama (increasing poverty)
(Un)employment deteroriating
Economy deteroriating
What is the government doing about it? Obviously, for the government everything is running fine, as the talks of the day are about the fiscal cliff. Indeed, this is what the talks are about (chart courtesy Their signal is clear. Looking at the time and effort they spend on the fiscal cliff debate they clearly consider it more important than all of the above issues.
Let's hope the real issues will be addressed voluntarily in 2013 and the years after. It will very sad if they need to be addressed because of force majeur. |
Griffon: Betting On The Mythical Creature Posted: 30 Dec 2012 08:09 AM PST By XY Trader: Griffon Corporation (GFF) looks poised to have substantial growth over the next several years. This small cap industrial play looks to have everything going in its favor when you look inside the year end numbers reported in November. Even GFF suffered from the meltdown of the euro this past year and increased power of the US Dollar. Griffon is has a well rounded business model that revolves around general building materials. GFF's plastic products revenue decreased by 6% YOY. At first glance, why would anyone think that was a good sign? Look deeper. The volume of sales of Griffon's plastic products were actually up 3% YOY, but the unfavorable translation of European and Brazilian currency into a stronger US Dollar caused a 9% unfavorable impact on the bottom line. With the EU is beginning to solidify, and the Fiscal Cliff still an ongoing concern, the New York based Complete Story » |
Did Super Human Silver Judge Bust Aging Myth? Posted: 30 Dec 2012 06:59 AM PST No one has claimed that the JP Morgan metals manipulation judge who will turn 90 this year can leap tall buildings in a single bound, only that he can "rip through" a 2,282 page bound document in a single weekend. … Continue reading |
The All-Aristocrat Team: 20 Dividend Stocks Retirees Should Own In 2013 (Part 1) Posted: 30 Dec 2012 06:58 AM PST By Parsimony Investment Research: If you are currently retired or getting close to retirement age, building a portfolio that generates stable income is probably your primary focus right now. In our opinion, one of the best ways to generate stable income is through dividend growth investing. Thankfully, this strategy is not rocket science and it is fairly simple for anyone to implement. Ideally, you want to build a portfolio of dividend paying stocks that have a track record of increasing their dividends every year. This way, not only are you generating stable income, but you are also able to maintain the purchasing power of your dollar (as long as your dividends are at least rising at the rate of inflation). What Is A Dividend Aristocrat? Each year, Standard & Poor's publishes its list of Dividend Aristocrats. According to S&P:
Complete Story » |
Gold & Silver: Opposing Forces Very Under-Rated Posted: 30 Dec 2012 06:52 AM PST It is impossible not to read some source, informed or otherwise, touting the "fact" that the price of gold and silver will be [insert whatever amount you wish, here], "in the coming months", or safer, "in the next year or two," etc. Yet, the market does not echo those almost universally held sentiments. Why not? Because that is exactly what they are, sentiments. When it comes to sentiments or opinions, regardless of how close to source or how well reasoned, the market does not care. One of the better "resolutions" one can make going into 2013 and beyond it to follow the market's lead, stop trying to lead it, waiting for it to catch up to your trading acumen. But what about the shortages in silver production v demand? What about the overly re-re-hypothecated gold leases from central banks that cannot possibly cover actual demands for gold? What about the possibility that all of Germany's [and other countries?] gold is gone and so much of it is being transferred to the East? What about [insert whatever issue you wish discussed, here]? Yes, well what about it! That information is and has been known for quite some time, so it is already "priced into the market." It does not matter how well-informed your source[s] is. It does not matter how accurate the figures are for available supply v demand. The market is all knowing, and it is ahead of you, and it is responding to forces about which you are not aware, hidden deals, as an example. It does not matter how much gold there is, or isn't. It does not matter where the gold is, or isn't, the market is telling you what you all you need to know. Everything finds its way into the market, and if you would just ignore all else and follow the ultimate known fact, that being the current price of anything, then you have the answer right in front of you. The problem is, too many cannot reconcile the current price of gold and silver relative to their expectations. [From the buy side.] John Keats would have made an excellent technical analyst, for he excelled at drawing out the paradoxical nature of things, leaving us with a few of his most famous lines that apply to the above:
This is how we see charts. Everything you need to know is contained within them because they are based on truth. What truth? The ultimate decisions to buy or sell made by the collective forces of the marketplace. Anything else that does not get translated directly in the market is simply an opinion, of no factual value because the market only recognizes actual transactions. That is the truth and the beauty of the markets. They provide you factual commitments, unadorned by uncommitted interpretive opinions. That is all you need to know on earth. Learn to listen to what the market is saying, and not what others are saying about the market. This is not to say that markets cannot be manipulated and factors grossly distorted, for even if they are, those manipulation and distortions are what is reflected in current prices, like it or not. Most who speculate in the markets, to the extent they rely upon charts, look at daily or intra day time frames. Smart money, what we call the "controlling forces" of a market, use higher time frames, for they are not concerned with day-to-day activity. Their positions and influence necessitate that they move over a more extended period of time, and one can get a greater sense of their intent from the higher time frames. When we talk about collective forces of the marketplace, it includes the most well-informed insiders, central bankers, the largest dealers, with availability to information and research outsiders may never know or learn about, until after the fact, all the way down to investors, fundamentalists, speculators, even the ephemeral day-traders. What they all have in common is that they are the market, once they make a decision to execute a buy/sell that influences and determines the price at any given point in time. Those executed decisions, regardless of how well or ill-informed, become market facts that comprise fluctuations, and they show up as the high, low, and close on a chart for any chosen time frame. Despite the relentless calls for gold and silver "taking off," which they have not, of late, the elephants in the room, governments, central bankers and major brokers, plus exchanges, have been vastly under-rated in their ability to keep the prices of gold and silver suppressed as much as they have. They are not about to throw in the towel and give up their Wizard of Oz controls. Ultimately, they are doomed to fail, but when does "ultimately" kick in, and to what degree of damage before it does, remains unknown? One thing you should know about the opposition, in whatever form it is in, ultimately: It will not stop. It will not quit. It will destroy everything that gets into its way in order to suit its needs. The charts have been saying as much. The annual and quarterly charts had to be scanned because most services do not provide any beyond the monthly time frame. The comments on the charts may be hard to read, so we will put them in italics to make it easier. If gold and silver are going to go to such high price levels, why are charts saying the opposite? This end of year's gold closing, actually Monday, is about mid-range the bar, a draw between the forces of supply and demand, but the range was the smallest in several years. Neither buyers nor sellers were able to extend the range further in either direction. Chart comments: This year's close is higher, but the entire range is within last year's. The bar is one of the smallest annual ranges in five years, and the close is just under the half-bar area. The conclusion would be neutral to just a touch negative. The quarterly chart may reveal more. The arrow in the chart points to the smallest range in Qtr 2, 2012. It was an attempt to go lower that failed. The fact, and keep in mind the focus is on the indisputable facts contained in the charts, that price did not go lower speaks to strong support at that level. Another observable fact is how the last 5 quarterly bars have been overlapping. Anytime you see bars overlapping, it show a struggle between buyers and sellers trying to exert control. The poor end of the year close for gold says buyers have not been keeping an upper hand, and sellers are maintaining relentless pressure. Chart comments: Comments under the trading range cover expectations going into 2013. The one positive Qtr was 2nd, 2012, when price tried to go lower but held, and the close was mid-range the bar, a win for buyers with price higher ever since. Last 5 Qtrs are within range of 3rd Qtr 2011, and the last 4 Qtrs within 4th Q 2011. Low-end close for 2012 says sellers in control. Expect more price range activity going into 2013+. Pie-in-the-sky prices are not in the picture, for now. A retest of 1520+ area possible. Back to our normal chart. If we view the rally in August as a breakout from a right triangle pattern, it is taking now 3 months to correct a 2 month rally, and the bars correcting are smaller, telling us there is no downward ease of movement. This suggests sellers are meeting more resistance, but still prevailing. 2013 will be an interesting year, and its start could be signaling more of what we have seen for the past 15 months. While accumulation of the physical metal is strongly recommended, trading in the paper futures will have to be much more select, buying breaks, not breakouts. There is no question that silver remains relatively weaker to gold, as the charts clearly show. Some think silver may outperform gold, moving forward, and it has, on occasion. That is an opinion that may or may not hold true. Buying and personally holding the physical is strongly recommended, as was stated for gold. For now, silver has a very large supply factor hanging over future progress, based upon the closes of 2011 and 2012. Chart comments: 2011 silver close was bottom-end on very high volume. This single bar shouts out sellers were totally in control, and everything above the close is where buyers have In 2012, the range attempt to go higher was small, and another low end close shows how buyers are failing to overcome sellers, a problem for longs. The more detailed Qtrly chart has one positive aspect: 26.20+ area held like a rock. We could see yet another test and possible new low. That is not a prediction but a point of view not to be dismissed for the year ahead. As with gold, the overlapping of bars shows the struggle between the forces of sellers and buyers, the edge with sellers. Chart comments: The Qtrly chart is more of a mixed message. There is obviously strong support at the 26 area, and bullish spacing remains a positive. [Bullish spacing is where the current The fact that silver cannot get and stay above 35 says how much work there is to overcome sellers. 2013 should be more of the same, at least for the first half. As with gold, an unusually large bar most often foretells of a protracted trading range to follow. Not only did that hold true for silver, the trading range was all under a 50% It does not take a crystal ball, nor a Seer to look ahead into 2013 and know, almost beyond a doubt that silver has its work cut out for the next several months, and one should be very careful when trading futures, while still buying the physical with impunity. We did not need to know of any "story" behind either precious metal. The charts are all-knowing, and they present everything known about the price, sans any opinion[s].
Posted: 30 Dec 2012 06:21 AM PST Comment No. 2011 Gets a 1 Oz. Canadian Maple Leaf Comment No. 2012 Gets a 1 Oz. Classic, and Very Collectible 'Silver Keiser' Comment No. 2013 Gets A Brand New 1 Oz. 'Keiser Ethical Silver' "These bullion rounds," the mint … Continue reading |
Deepcaster: Cartel Supressing Gold & Silver's Role As Canaries of the Financial World Posted: 30 Dec 2012 04:58 AM PST Submitted by Deepcaster: The proposed forced Investment of Present and Prospective Retirees 401(K) Assets in U.S. Treasury Paper about which we earlier wrote, is now followed by yet another prospective attack on Retirees' Security, and indeed on the Wealth Security of those who hold $US Denominated Assets. The Prospective Rigging of the CPI Calculation Protocol [...] |
Coca-Cola Will Provide Profits To Stockholders Even If The U.S. Falls Off The Fiscal Cliff Posted: 30 Dec 2012 03:51 AM PST By Avi Morris: Coca-Cola (KO) is the #1 global provider of sparkling beverages, ready-to-drink coffees, juices and juice drinks with more than 500 sparkling and still brands. Consumers enjoy 1.8 billion servings a day, led by Coca-Cola, the world's best known brand name. Below are its 15 billion-dollar brands: (click to enlarge) KO is the largest provider of NARTD (nonalcoholic ready-to-drinks) in the world, divided into 2 categories: sparkling beverages and still beverages. Sparkling beverages are the carbonated ones most people are familiar with, starting with Coca-Cola and Diet Cola, the top 2 brands in the US, along with energy drinks. Still beverages are a newer category with higher growth rates, including juices (Minute Maid was acquired almost 50 years ago), enhanced waters (vitaminwater), coffees, teas, etc. At half a century, KO has one of the longest streaks of raising annual dividends. This track record was made possible by consistent growth over Complete Story » |
Public Buying Monstrous Amounts Of Physical Gold & Silver Posted: 29 Dec 2012 08:01 PM PST Public Buying "Monstrous" Amounts Of Physical Gold & Silver..... © 2012 by King World News®. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. However, linking directly to the blog page is permitted and encouraged. |
Federal Judge Dismisses Silver Manipulation Lawsuit Against JP Morgan Posted: 29 Dec 2012 07:52 PM PST Federal US District Court Judge Robert P. Patterson Jr. has dismissed the class-action litigation suit brought against JP Morgan (and originally HSBC) regarding silver market-rigging. Judge Patterson cited lack of specifics and claims of bad intent necessary to bring the … Continue reading |
Posted: 29 Dec 2012 06:26 PM PST By SD Contributor Marshall Swing: Gold & Silver COT Report 12/28/12 Commercial longs rose a huge 3,955 on the week and covered an even larger 4,676 shorts to end the week with 48.07% of all open interest, an imperceptible decrease of -0.02% in their share since last week, and now stand as a group at [...] |
Will we see 6 dollar silver and 500 gold? Posted: 29 Dec 2012 05:44 PM PST Will we see 6 dollar silver and 500 gold? |
Posted: 29 Dec 2012 03:54 PM PST Public Buying "Monstrous" Amounts Of Physical Gold & Silver |
Keiser offers silver rounds to protest occupation by bankers Posted: 29 Dec 2012 03:15 PM PST Keiser offers silver rounds to protest occupation by bankers Submitted by cpowell on Sat, 2012-12-29 21:53. Section: Daily Dispatches 4:50p ET Saturday, December 29, 2012 Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver): Journalistic provocateur Max Keiser of Russia Today's … Continue reading |
Vietnam Continues Gold Market Clamp Down Posted: 29 Dec 2012 03:07 PM PST The Clampdown in Vietnamese Gold Market Vietnam continues its gold market clampdown, of which much more is to be expected worldwide. News of regulation has swirled around Vietnam in recent weeks, and just yesterday, the State Bank of Vietnam said … Continue reading |
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