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Monday, January 21, 2013

Gold World News Flash

Gold World News Flash

Treat Depression … Naturally

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 11:47 PM PST

If you’re depressed, you might consider asking your doctor to prescribe anti-depressants.

But as best-selling author Christiane Northrup, MD, notes:

In 2008, we learned that the benefits of antidepressants had been greatly overstated. Former FDA psychiatrist Erick H. Turner, M.D. uncovered some startling information about Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), including Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft, the most commonly prescribed antidepressants. In reviewing all the medical literature, he learned that 94 percent of the reports showing the therapeutic benefits of SSRIs were published compared to only 14 percent of the reports showing either no benefits or inconclusive results (of taking SSRIs were published). When he weighed all the literature, Dr. Turner determined that SSRIs were no more effective than a placebo for treating most depressive patients. Those with severe depression were helped, sometimes greatly, but those with mild to moderate depression, the majority of cases, received little relief. British researchers using the Freedom of Information Act uncovered identical findings.


In January 2010, another study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) confirms these findings. The newest study also evaluated another class of antidepressants, tricyclic antidepressants. Again, researchers determined that the typical patient, one with mild to moderate depression, gets the same amount of relief from a placebo as from an antidepressant.  The first author of the study, Jay C. Fournier, MA, told Medscape, “I think the most surprising part of the findings was how severe depression has to be in order to see this clinically meaningful difference emerge between medication and placebo, and that the majority of depressed patients presenting for treatment do not fall into that very severe category.”


The New York Times reported that the co-author of the study, Robert J. DeRubeis, shared this important insight: “The message for patients with mild to moderate depression is ‘Look, medications are always an option, but there’s little evidence that they add to other efforts to shake depression–whether it’s exercise, seeing the doctor, reading about the disorder or going for psychotherapy.’”

(In addition, modern SSRI anti-depressants have been shown to increase violent and suicidal behavior in a certain percent of the population.)

So what can those with depressive tendencies do?

Secret of Human Evolution

Getting enough Omega 3 fatty acids in your diet is also crucial in preventing depression. As Science Daily notes:

Researchers from Inserm and INRA and their collaborators in Spain collaboration, have studied mice fed on a diet low in omega-3 fatty acid. They discovered that reduced levels of omega-3 had deleterious consequences on synaptic functions and emotional behaviours.


Details of this work are available in the online version of the journal Nature Neuroscience.




The researchers studied mice fed a life-long diet imbalanced in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They found that omega-3 deficiency disturbed neuronal communication specifically ….This neuronal dysfunction was accompanied by depressive behaviours among the malnourished mice.




Consequently, the researchers discovered that among mice subjected to an omega-3 deficient dietary regime, synaptic plasticity … is disturbed in at least two structures involved with reward, motivation and emotional regulation: the prefrontal cortex and the nucleus accumbens.




“Our results can now corroborate clinical and epidemiological studies which have revealed associations between an omega-3/omega-6 imbalance and mood disorders,” explain Olivier Manzoni and Sophie LayĆ©. “To determine if the omega-3 deficiency is responsible for these neuropsychiatric disorders additional studies are, of course, required.”


In conclusion, the authors estimate that their results provide the first biological components of an explanation for the observed correlation between omega-3 poor diets, which are very widespread in the industrialized world, and mood disorders such as depression.

Dr. Northrup writes:

One of the best ways to support health brain chemistry is by taking fish oil. Fish oil has been shown time an again to relieve mild to moderate depression. The omega-3 fatty acids are essential to brain health and, according to Capt. Joe Hibbeln, M.D., these important fats support the serotonin system, may help reduce stress and lower your risk of all kinds of mental illness. Dr. Hibbeln, Chief of Outpatient Services for the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), is one of the world’s leading researchers on omega-3 fats. His findings have been compelling and encouraging.




Also encouraging is the largest ever clinical trial presenting in 2009 showing that fish oil may benefit half of all people with moderate to severe depression.

How could something as obscure as Omega 3s be so critical in preventing depression?

We’ve previously explained that humans evolved to eat a lot of Omega 3s:

Wild game animals have much higher levels of essential Omega 3 fatty acids than domesticated animals. Indeed, leading nutritionists say that humans evolved to consume a lot of Omega 3 fatty acids in the wild game and fish which they ate (more), and that a low Omega 3 diet is a very new trend within the last 100 years or so.


In other words, while omega 3s have just now been discovered by modern science, we evolved to get a lot of omega 3s … and if we just eat a modern, fast food diet without getting enough omega 3s, it can cause all sorts of health problems.


So something just discovered by science can be a central fuel which our bodies evolved to use.

Here’s further detail focusing on beef:

For all of human history – until the last couple of decades – people ate beef from cows (or buffalo or bison) which grazed on grass. The cows were usually strong and healthy. Their meat was lean, with very little saturated fat, as the critters ate well and got outdoor exercise. Their meat was high in good Omega 3 fats. See this and this, and humans evolved to consume a lot of Omega 3 fatty acids in the wild game and fish which they ate (more).


Today, on the other hand, beef is laden with saturated fat and almost entirely lacking healthy fats like Omega 3s, because the cows are force-fed food which makes them sick. Specifically, instead of their natural menu – grass – they are force-fed corn, which makes them sick. Because their diet makes them ill, they are given massive amounts of antibiotics.  Even with the antibiotics, the diet and living conditions would kill them pretty quickly if they aren’t slaughtered.

Science Daily explains:

In industrialized nations, diets have been impoverished in essential fatty acids since the beginning of the 20th century. The dietary ratio between omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid omega-3 increased continuously over the course of the 20th century. These fatty acids are “essential” lipids because the body cannot synthesize them from new. They must therefore be provided through food and their dietary balance is essential to maintain optimal brain functions.

So insufficient Omega 3s is a major source of depression in modern industrialized countries.

The flip side of getting enough healthy Omega 3s is to stay away from the kind of fats which cause depression: trans fats.

(Contrary to what you’ve heard, getting enough of the right kind of healthy cholesterol also decreases depression.)

Vitamins, Minerals and Antioxidants …

Antioxidants also help to prevent depression.  Specifically, oxidative stress has been correlated with depression (and see here).

On the other hand, antioxidants reduce depression. See this, this and thisHere are the tricks for finding the least expensive, most powerful antioxidants.

Moreover, a multivitamin might be smart.  Specifically, Hugh D. Riordan, M.D., argues:

It is possible to become depressed because of the lack of a sufficient amount of a single trace element.

And as we’ve previously noted, modern foods can be nutritionally depleted:

We evolved eating foods which were high in vitamins and minerals ….

But as the Journal Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology notes:

With soil depletion, overfarming and transportation of foods over hundreds of miles with loss of nutrients en route, together with the increased use of convenience and fast foods, women can be over-fed, but under-nourished in our modern society.

The Nutrition Journal points out:

In 1927 a study at King’s College, University of London, of the chemical composition of foods was initiated … to assist with diabetic dietary guidance. The study evolved and was then broadened to determine all the important organic and mineral constituents of foods, it was financed by the Medical Research Council and eventually published in 1940. Over the next 51 years subsequent editions reflected changing national dietary habits and food laws as well as advances in analytical procedures. The most recent (5th Edition) published in 1991 has comprehensively analysed 14 different categories of foods and beverages. In order to provide some insight into any variation in the quality of the foods available to us as a nation between 1940 and 1991 it was possible to compare and contrast the mineral content of 27 varieties of vegetable, 17 varieties of fruit, 10 cuts of meat and some milk and cheese products. The results demonstrate that there has been a significant loss of minerals and trace elements in these foods over that period of time.

Scripps Howard News Service noted in 2006:

The nutritional content of America’s vegetables and fruits has declined during the past 50 years — in some cases dramatically.


Donald Davis, a biochemist at the University of Texas, said that of 13 major nutrients in fruits and vegetables tracked by the Agriculture Department from 1950 to 1999, six showed noticeable declines — protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin and vitamin C. The declines ranged from 6 percent for protein, 15 percent for iron, 20 percent for vitamin C, and 38 percent for riboflavin.


“It’s an amazing thing,” said Davis, adding that the decline in nutrient content has not been widely noticed.

Many other studies have reported ongoing soil depletion around the world.




And many people eat highly processed foods in which most antioxidants have been destroyed.


So – just as with the low levels of omega 3s – there might be less antioxidants like vitamin C in the modern diet than the levels we evolved to run on.

Good Bugs

Live Science reports:

Researchers have increasingly begun to suspect the gut was somehow linked with the brain. For instance, bowel disorders seem linked with stress-related psychiatric disorders such as anxiety and depression in people.


To learn more, scientists experimented with mice by feeding them a broth containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus JB-1. This species naturally lives in our gut, and scientists are exploring whether strains of it can be used as “probiotics” to improve our health. They discovered these rodents displayed significantly less behavior linked with stress, anxiety and depression than mice fed plain broth. Bacteria-fed mice also had significantly lower levels of the stress hormone corticosterone in response to stressful situations such as mazes.


“By affecting gut bacteria, you can have very robust and quite broad-spectrum effects on brain chemistry and behavior,” researcher John Cryan, a neuroscientist at University College Cork in Ireland, told LiveScience.


“Without overstating things, this does open up the concept that we could develop therapies that can treat psychiatric disorders by targeting the gut,” Cryan added. “You could take a yogurt with a probiotic in it instead of an antidepressant.”




The investigators found that one GABA receptor component was present in higher levels in bacteria-fed mice in parts of the brain where it is normally lowered during depression. In addition, several GABA receptor components were reduced in parts of the brain where they are normally increased in stressed or anxious animals.

Next, the researchers severed the vagus nerve, which helps alert the central nervous system to changes in the gastrointestinal tract. They found the bacteria-induced effects on behavior and GABA receptors were diminished, suggesting this nerve is the pathway by which changes in the gut can influence the brain.

Vagal nerve stimulations have been used at times to treat depression resistant to other therapies, but “that’s a surgical technique,” Cryan said. “By targeting the gut with probiotics, we could indirectly target the vagus nerve without surgery.”

And see this.

As with Omega 3s, this sounds strange until you realize how humans evolved.

As NPR notes, our bodies are largely made up of – and supported by – bacteria:

Jeffrey Gordon, a professor at the Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, who studies the microbes that live on and in us, offers this factoid: “We think that there are 10 times more microbial cells on and in our bodies than there are human cells. That means that we’re 90 percent microbial and 10 percent human. There’s also an estimated 100 times more microbial genes than the genes in our human genome. So we’re really a compendium [and] an amalgamation of human and microbial parts.”




Gordon’s research shows that these microbes living in our bodies aren’t just there for the ride — they’re actively contributing to the normal physiology of the human body. He points to the trillions of microbes that live in our gut, doing everything from encoding enzymes to serving as pathways for vitamin production to digesting the parts of food we can’t digest on our own.

Many native cultures ate a lot of fermented foods containing healthy bacteria.  Think yogurt, miso and Inuit fermented seal blubber (gross, we know …)

In addition, antibiotics kill a lot of the healthy bacteria in our gut.  (The healthy bacteria-killing property of antibiotics has also been linked to obesity and other health problems. See this and this.).

Given that the modern diet contains less fermented foods, and that antibiotics have killed off some of our intestinal flora, probiotics are an important preventative measure against depression.

Sunshine …

The New York Times points out:

A new, carefully designed randomized controlled trial— of the kind considered the gold standard in medicine — suggests bright light therapy deserves a closer look.


The study was small, involving only 89 patients ages 60 and older, but the results were remarkable. Compared with a placebo, light therapy improved mood just as well as conventional antidepressant medications, said Dr. Ritsaert Lieverse, the paper’s lead author and a psychiatrist at the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam.


The effect sizes we found in this study are comparable to those reported for antidepressants, so I think efficacy is of comparable magnitude,” Dr. Lieverse said in an e-mail.




Since depression is often accompanied by poor sleep and other symptoms suggestive of circadian rhythm disruption, the scientists also examined markers of circadian function. The theory is that bright light therapy may act to elevate mood by activating the brain’s so-called circadian pacemaker, a structure called the suprachiasmatic nucleus. As part of the study, researchers assessed sleep quality and measured patients’ melatonin, a hormone critical for sleep-wake cycles, and urinary cortisol and salivary cortisol levels, measures of stress.


Dr. Lieverse said bright light therapy may also work by targeting depression-associated neurotransmitter systems that regulate serotonin and dopamine.

Sunshine has many if not all of these properties.  So getting some sun

Gold Mania Phase Approaching for Junior Miners: Michael Ballanger

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 11:00 PM PST

The Gold Report

German Gold: 4 Lessons for Private Investors

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 10:30 PM PST

Bullion Vault

Without asking a single question, The Economist is sure that gold does nothing

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 09:30 PM PST

by Chris Powell, GATA:

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

For journalistic arrogance and disinformation it is always hard to top The Economist, which never asks questions but rather simply presumes that, by definition, it knows.

Such was the case again this week as the magazine's M.C.K. commented obliviously on the Bundesbank's attempt to repatriate a little of its gold vaulted abroad.

In a little essay headlined "Monetary Economics with a Vengeance" –


– The Economist recalls the 1995 movie "Die Hard with a Vengeance," which involves an attempt to loot and pretend to destroy the gold held at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Read More @ GATA.org

Silver Update 1/20/13 Silver Suit Part 1

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 08:01 PM PST

Impact of Germany's Gold Repatriation

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 05:49 PM PST

Germany has announced that it plans to take home all 374 tonnes of its gold stored at the Banque de France, and 300 out of 1,500 tonnes held at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York ... Read More...

Marin Katusa Talks Gold, Energy, and What He’s Buying – YouTube

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 04:46 PM PST

Check our website daily at...

[[ This is a content summary only. Visit http://www.figanews.com for full Content ]]

SLV ETF Adds 571 Tonnes Of Physical Silver To Its Holdings

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 03:19 PM PST

Earlier this week, BlackRock reported that they added 571.63 tonnes (183,378,092 ounces) of new physical silver backing to their popular silver ETF  iShares Silver Trust (SLV). That is the largest one day addition since December 31, 2007. The bullion is held by the trust's custodian in London.

The next chart shows that the amount is exceptionnally high (chart courtesy Zerohedge).

slv etf silver holdings 2008 2013 gold silver general

The following chart shows how the SLV metal holdings peaked end of April 2011 together with the silver spot price (chart courtesy GotGoldReport).

slv etf silver holdings 2006 2013 gold silver general

The key question is why the ETF is adding such a large amount of physical silver. The truth is that we do not know exactly, so we went out for some opinions.

GotGoldReport published: The silver ETF adds metal to its holdings in response to an imbalance of buying pressure over selling pressure and vice versa.  If there is more buying pressure than selling pressure authorized market participants sell new shares of SLV into the market in return for a prescribed amount of silver metal in units called "baskets."  The reverse is also true.

Zerohedge reported: Whether this was due to arbitrage, or simply the need to create inventory we don't know: we are confident however, that SLV custodian, money laundering expert extraordinaire HSBC, will have no comment. Just as there is no comment why in the days following the epic May 1, 2011 take down of silver, a nearly just as large 522 tons of silver poured out the ETF on May 4, 2011. What is certain is that a move of this size is certainly notable.

GATA wrote the following: What does it mean? Is this real metal or just another paper entry? Maybe it means only what all this stuff means: If you don't own your metal outside the banking system, you don't own it at all.

Respected silver market expert Ted Butler wrote to his paid subscribers his take on things. He says that "the deposit can be considered strange and out of place" and he argues why he thinks so. He adds to it that it will probably become clear over time and that he will keep his subscribers updated. We strongly recommend subscribing to Ted Butler's newsletter for in-depth insights in the silver market.

Turk at Future Money Trends, Norcini at King World News

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 03:16 PM PST

2:15p PT Sunday, January 20, 2013

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

GoldMoney founder James Turk is interviewed for 20 minutes today by Dan Ameduri of Future Money Trends about the outlook for 2013 in the monetary metals. Audio is posted at Future Money Trends here:


And futures market analyst Dan Norinci is interviewed today by King World News about the strengthening silver price. An excerpt is posted at the King World News blog here:


CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.


Fred Goldstein and Tim Murphy open All Pro Gold

All-Pro Gold, run by long-time GATA supporters Fred Goldstein and Tim Murphy, offers its services to GATA supporters and anyone else interested in precious metals. The company brokers a full line of precious metals and numismatic coins. It aims to inform prospective clients about the importance of the monetary metals as part of a diversified financial portfolio and to keep prospective clients current with market trends. All-Pro Gold has competitive pricing and ships promptly to clients so they may have physical possession. Learn more by e-mailing Fred@allprogold.com or Tim@allprogold.com or telephone 1-855-377-4653 or visit www.allprogold.com.

Join GATA here:

Vancouver Resource Investment Conference
Sunday-Monday, January 20 and 21, 2013
Vancouver Convention Centre West
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

* * *

Support GATA by purchasing DVDs of our London conference in August 2011 or our Dawson City conference in August 2006:


Or by purchasing a colorful GATA T-shirt:


Or a colorful poster of GATA's full-page ad in The Wall Street Journal on January 31, 2009:


Help keep GATA going

GATA is a civil rights and educational organization based in the United States and tax-exempt under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Its e-mail dispatches are free, and you can subscribe at:


To contribute to GATA, please visit:



Opinion Around the World Is Changing
in Favor of Gold -- Find Out Why

When Deutschebank calls gold "good money" and paper "bad money". ...


When the president of the German central bank, the Bundesbank, pays tribute to gold as "a timeless classic". ...


When a leading member of the policy committee of the People's Bank of China calls the gold standard "an excellent monetary system". ...


When a CNN reporter writes in The China Post that the "gold commission" plank in the 2012 Republican platform will "reverberate around the world". ...


When the Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy of the U.S. House of Representatives twice called on economist, historian, and gold standard advocate Lewis E. Lehrman to testify. ...

World opinion is changing in favor of gold.

How can you learn why and what it will mean to you?

Read the newly updated and expanded edition of Lehrman's book, "The True Gold Standard."

Financial journalist James Grant says of "The True Gold Standard": "If you have ever wondered how the world can get from here to there -- from the chaos of depreciating paper to a convertible currency worthy of our children and our grandchildren -- wonder no more. The answer, brilliantly expounded, is between these covers. America has long needed a modern Alexander Hamilton. In Lewis E. Lehrman she has finally found him."

To buy a copy of "The True Gold Standard," please visit:


Jeff Nielson – Silver Manipulation Vs Platinum Manipulation – YouTube

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 03:15 PM PST

Check our website daily at...

[[ This is a content summary only. Visit http://www.figanews.com for full Content ]]

Jeff Nielson: Western banking is money for nothing

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 02:54 PM PST

1:40p PT Sunday, January 20, 2013

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Jeff Nielson of Bullion Bulls Canada today argues in a brief but incisive essay that the great bulk of the Western investment banking system is little more than parasitism dressed up as expertise. Nielson's commentary is headlined "Western Banking: Money for Nothing -- Literally" and it's posted at Bullion Bulls Canada here:


CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.


How to profit in the new year with silver --
and which stocks to buy now

Future Money Trends is offering a special 16-page silver report with our forecast for 2013 that includes profiles of nine companies and technical analysis of their stock performance. Six of the companies have market capitalizations of less than $800 million and one company has a market cap of only $30 million. The most exciting of these companies will begin production in a few weeks and has a market cap of just $150 million.

Half of all proceeds from the sale of this report will be donated to the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee to support its efforts exposing manipulation and fraud in the gold and silver markets.

To learn about this report, please visit:


Join GATA here:

Vancouver Resource Investment Conference
Sunday-Monday, January 20 and 21, 2013
Vancouver Convention Centre West
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

* * *

Support GATA by purchasing DVDs of our London conference in August 2011 or our Dawson City conference in August 2006:


Or by purchasing a colorful GATA T-shirt:


Or a colorful poster of GATA's full-page ad in The Wall Street Journal on January 31, 2009:


Help keep GATA going

GATA is a civil rights and educational organization based in the United States and tax-exempt under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Its e-mail dispatches are free, and you can subscribe at:


To contribute to GATA, please visit:



GoldMoney adds Singapore vaulting option

In addition to its precious metals storage facilities in Hong Kong, Switzerland, Toronto, and the United Kingdom, now with GoldMoney you can store gold and silver in Singapore in a high-security vault operated by Brink's Singapore Pte Limited. To celebrate the launch of this storage option, GoldMoney is offering a discount on buy and exchange fees at this vault for any orders above US$10,000 (or the equivalent) until January 31, 2013. Tthe gold buy rate is 0.98%, while the silver rate is 1.99%. Metal exchanges into Brink's Singapore will also be discounted for this period and will be charged at 0.78% for gold and 1.75% for silver. Simply place your order online and the above rates apply automatically until January 31, 2013, 15.00 UK time. To find out more about the new vault, please visit:


GoldMoney customers can take delivery of any number of gold, silver, platinum, and palladium bars from any GoldMoney vault, as well as personally collect their bars stored in the Hong Kong, Switzerland, and U.K. vaults.

It's easy to open an account, add funds, and liquidate your investment. For more information, visit:


Alasdair Macleod: Gold reserve mysteries

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 02:35 PM PST

1:30p PT Sunday, January 20, 2013

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

All the evidence of the Bundesbank's gold repatriation announcement, GoldMoney research director Alasdair Macleod writes today, is that it's just a public-relations exercise to deflect further inquiry into the surreptitious spending of Western central bank gold reserves. Macleod's commentary is headlined "Gold Reserve Mysteries" and it's posted at GoldMoney's Internet site here:


CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.


GoldMoney adds Singapore vaulting option

In addition to its precious metals storage facilities in Hong Kong, Switzerland, Toronto, and the United Kingdom, now with GoldMoney you can store gold and silver in Singapore in a high-security vault operated by Brink's Singapore Pte Limited. To celebrate the launch of this storage option, GoldMoney is offering a discount on buy and exchange fees at this vault for any orders above US$10,000 (or the equivalent) until January 31, 2013. The gold buy rate is 0.98%, while the silver rate is 1.99%. Metal exchanges into Brink's Singapore will also be discounted for this period and will be charged at 0.78% for gold and 1.75% for silver. Simply place your order online and the above rates apply automatically until January 31, 2013, 15.00 UK time. To find out more about the new vault, please visit:


GoldMoney customers can take delivery of any number of gold, silver, platinum, and palladium bars from any GoldMoney vault, as well as personally collect their bars stored in the Hong Kong, Switzerland, and U.K. vaults.

It's easy to open an account, add funds, and liquidate your investment. For more information, visit:


Join GATA here:

Vancouver Resource Investment Conference
Sunday-Monday, January 20 and 21, 2013
Vancouver Convention Centre West
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

* * *

Support GATA by purchasing DVDs of our London conference in August 2011 or our Dawson City conference in August 2006:


Or by purchasing a colorful GATA T-shirt:


Or a colorful poster of GATA's full-page ad in The Wall Street Journal on January 31, 2009:


Help keep GATA going

GATA is a civil rights and educational organization based in the United States and tax-exempt under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Its e-mail dispatches are free, and you can subscribe at:


To contribute to GATA, please visit:



How to profit in the new year with silver --
and which stocks to buy now

Future Money Trends is offering a special 16-page silver report with our forecast for 2013 that includes profiles of nine companies and technical analysis of their stock performance. Six of the companies have market capitalizations of less than $800 million and one company has a market cap of only $30 million. The most exciting of these companies will begin production in a few weeks and has a market cap of just $150 million.

Half of all proceeds from the sale of this report will be donated to the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee to support its efforts exposing manipulation and fraud in the gold and silver markets.

To learn about this report, please visit:


Gold, Silver And Money Near Crunch Time

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 02:24 PM PST

"…Oh! What a tangled web we weave When first we practice to deceive…" From Marmion, Canto VI, Stanza 17, Sir Walter Scott

What does this have to do with gold and silver? Everything! We are in a trench warfare with central bankers, hellbent on destroying capitalism, sovereign nations, currencies, all in the service of achieving world dominance, via deception, letting nothing and no one stand in the way. The importance of gold and, to a lesser extent, silver are the Achilles Heel of the Bilderberg Clan's largest Ponzi scheme ever. Whatever one may think of the Mafia, they are bit players in contrast to the central banking clan, the most ruthless collection of individuals ever assembled.

The Bilderbergers do not break legs or use baseball bats against their intended victims. No, they are far more sinister and lethal. They use money, instead.

That's it?! That's all you got?!

Yep. That is all they need. Never forgot those hauntingly and deadly accurate prophetic words of Meyer Amschel Rothschild: "Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes the laws." Nathan A Bauer sure knew what he was doing. He also had his name changed to "Rothschild," German for red shield, a sign he hung over his coin store in the 1740s. Vanity plates have been popular for centuries.

What Mr Bauer learned is that it was far more profitable to lend money to governments who wanted to finance their wars. The loans were not only bigger, they were more secure, backed by a nation's taxes. The dynamic secret of N A Bauer was that he loaned whatever the governments wanted, and demanded gold as payment in return of the debts. His basic game plan has not changed, but it has now reached its zenith. Control of the world's gold is at stake. [Charts are coming, we promise.]

Deception runs center stage for the central bankers. The United States is a prime example. The US has been in bankruptcy since 1933, owned by its creditors. Who are those creditors? Central bankers, run by an unseen elite, like the Bilderberg Group. What do they control? The money of the world, and by extension, the world.

Who elected The Basel Committee, the Bank of International Settlements, the International Monetary Fund, central bankers, including the US Federal Reserve? Answer: themselves. Did you ever vote for any of them? Do you know of anyone who voted for them? Do you even know who they are? Yet, they run the world via fiat currency lending, actually now reduced to computerized clicks on a keyboard.

Need $200,000 billion? Click. Viola! What backs it? Nothing. Who owes it? Ostensibly, governments, but they just pass it on to their "constituents," people like you and me. What is demanded as payment? Gold, first and foremost. Despite central bank claims that gold is anathema to their fiat currency[s], that non-tungsten metal is what central bankers covet the most.

What was the target for Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain? Their gold reserves. "Sure, we will lend you whatever you need. Here is a blank check. Tell us what you want." When it is payback time, naturally, those countries are unable to pay back. In fact, they need more. "We will take your gold as payment." The Rothschild way, by design. Create non-existent money out of thin air and demand hard assets in return.

When you run out of gold, we will bankrupt your country and take it over, as silent partners of course, vis-a-vis the United States, since 1933. Who are these people, again? No one you know, but they run your lives.

Why do you think Germany and the European Parliament are pushing so hard for a unified Europe? The United States is their boiler plate model. Unify Europe under a single currency, then everyone will come under their thumb. Tick tock!

"Money is the barometer of a society's virtue. When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion–when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing–when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors–when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you–when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice–you may know that your society is doomed. Money is so noble a medium that does not compete with guns and it does not make terms with brutality. It will not permit a country to survive as half-property, half-loot" Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged.

Leave it to a foreigner, and a woman, to describe the future course of the United States in a single, cogent paragraph. What an aside piece of irony that Alan Greenspan was once in her company, embracing her ideas, [and her, literally], a Gold-Bug, of sorts, that is before he went to the Dark Side of central bankers. They are after your gold, and it is getting near Crunch Time!

The above prologue may not seem directly related to gold and silver, especially for those who do not pay attention to what is going on, globally, or fail to see the links between global events, the United Nations becoming more pervasive, but the struggle for gold's ownership is critically important to those who want to rule over your life. It is a form of wealth and independence. The New World Order hates independence.

For the benefit of several of our foreign readers, "crunch time" is a reference to that period just before something important needs to be completed, and full effort is required to meet the pending deadline.

Finally, to the charts. Whenever you see price locked in a trading range, TR, the farther it moves toward the Right Hand Side, [RHS], of the chart, the closer it is to reaching a resolve, hence the reference to crunch time. This is seen most clearly on the monthly and weekly charts.

Regular readers know we assert that all known information is contained in the charts, and being able to read them is a distinct advantage. The best way to achieve that advantage is to learn to make distinctions contained in the charts from one day/week/month to the next.

You can see how price moves farther along the RHS of the now 16 month TR. A resolve is not apparent at this point in time, given the location of current price, not near the upper or lower breakout area on the chart. Still, it is important to observe what is going on, looking for clues of change.

One important change evident is how price is laboring as it moves lower, relative to the rally, and this will be better seen on the weekly chart. It is too early to draw a conclusion on a monthly chart, with almost two more weeks to go before month end, but we can make observations and see if/how they play out on the lower time frames.

The month opened at 1676 and moved lower. The net low under the December low is not very great. This tells us the effort of sellers has been limited. After moving lower, price has rallied to the current high area of 1687. With the large degree of bullish spacing, we can reasonably expect to see more bullish behavior over bearish signs. The inability of sellers to move the corrective TR lower is one such indication.

gold monthly price chart 18 january 2013 gold silver price news

The more detailed weekly allows for even more distinctions. The importance of making quality distinctions is a better read of what the developing market activity has to impart to any discriminating observer. The ones we see as pertinent start with the May through August smaller TR at support lows. For four months, sellers were simply unable to break the bottom barrier. When compared to the spike lows of September and December 2011, the smaller TR is a change of behavior worth noting.

The breakout from the smaller range is a wide range bar up, strong close, and at the time, increased volume, all classic signs of strength, whatever the direction. Seven weeks later, price stops at resistance, to be expected in a TR. What next stands out is the relatively labored decline, mentioned on the monthly chart, 13 weeks, almost twice as long, in time, as the rally, and the correction did not come close to reaching the lower support TR.

The clustering of closes for four weeks can mean a resting area, prior to resuming the preceding direction, or it can lead to a turnaround. It turned out to be the latter, at least for now. The clustering also stopped at/near the breakout bar of last August. Markets are continually testing and retesting previous support/resistance areas. As in life, there are no accidents in the markets.

gold weekly price chart 18 january 2013 gold silver price news

Ratcheting the focus more so, using the daily chart, we see the high/low of the mid-August 2011 breakout bar, and we extended horizontal bars to the right as potential future support if price were to retest it. That retest evolved from December into January, and we are now able to see even more distinctions. We start with volume at A and B.

The volume and price bar at "A" relate directly to the established low from late December. It says quite a lot. First, note the decline from the last swing high, two days earlier. It is a quick and sharp drop, telling us sellers have buyers on the defensive. But… Note the location of the close: it is just above mid-range the bar. For all the evidence that sellers were in control, the close says otherwise.

What makes the message of the close critical in content is the sharp increase in the level of volume. Large volume increases tell us there is a lot of activity going on, many times denoting a possible change of risk, from weak hands into strong hands. Price broke hard and fast, but held, and held strongly. Relating this activity back to December, it was a price probe under that low, and we learn important pieces of market information from it.

The 4 January failed probe lower tells us that any sell stops under the December support low were wiped out, and more importantly, there was no appetite for sellers to press price lower. Their energy was spent. What followed was a controlled rally leading us to last week, and volume/price bar "B."

Last Thursday's rally was a wide range, high-end close bar and on very strong volume. Volume is the driving energy behind any market move. The two highest recent volume bars carried price upside, a sign of market intent. We see remaining layers of overhead resistance, and how price reacts/responds to them will give yet more market insight.

Looking at the location, still at the lower register of the TR, gold needs to show continued positive market activity to sustain the current rally. For now, central bankers and talk show lackeys may say that one cannot eat gold. At some point, they will eat those words.

We took a probe to the long side of gold on Thursday's strong bar.

gold daily price chart 18 january 2013 gold silver price news

Silver, step-child to gold, has enormous upside potential. The bullish spacing is not as great as gold's, and gold remains relatively stronger. We treat it separately but view it as an equal alternative.

There is the same, more labored decline relative to the previous rally, a positive sign, especially where current price is, for now, showing a degree of strength after a four week drop.

silver monthly price chart 18 january 2013 gold silver price news

So similar to the gold analysis, it would belabor the point to repeat what has been stated.

silver weekly price chart 18 january 2013 gold silver price news

The good thing about the gold analysis is that it allows a short-hand version for silver, due to the close similarities. One slight difference is the stopping activity in silver on 20 December. Volume increased sharply. Here is another look at how high volume is a likely sign of risk transfer from weak hands into strong. While the range down was large and the close weak, indicating sellers in total control, it was volume that warned of a potential red flag. Price stopped dead, and so did the effort of the sellers. The stopping point was also from a previous support area, noted. This is how the market "speaks" to everyone who wants to take note.

We see a similar failed probe lower with a higher end close on a sharp volume increase, another market message. These are the distinctions of which we spoke, earlier, for they lead to likely conclusions for understanding market direction. What they do is decrease risk exposure, removing "guesswork," "gut-feel" decisions. It is much better to base any market decision[s] on facts over guesses/gut-feels, both proven to not work, over time.

silver daily price chart 18 january 2013 gold silver price news

While gold has been relatively stronger than silver, silver's rally over the 3 January swing high was much strong than gold's performance. We also took a long position in silver, based upon the strong market indicators of that day.

We remain very bullish on gold and silver as both remain in respective trading ranges. Continue buying the physical for both metals as a "wealth accumulation" move. To anyone questioning the decision to buy, or not, which would you rather own, given a proven history that ALL fiats fail? Rock breaks scissors, and paper covers rock, but the cover is merely packaging for the shiny stuff contained within, and the paper gets thrown away.

GoldMoney article: The mystery behind the Bundesbank's gold

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 01:43 PM PST

This article has been posted at GoldMoney, here.

Gold reserve mysteries


Last Wednesday the Bundesbank released a statement to the effect that 300 tonnes of Germany’s gold will be moved from New York and 374 tonnes from Paris. This should be a simple operation: rail or trucks from Paris, and a few military planeloads (or ships) from America – as soon as they have somewhere to store it.

Instead they plan to do it over the next seven years, which is a postponement. This tends to confirm suspicions that the gold does not actually exist. As a side issue, along with the Bundesbank statement is a PDF download with slide number 14 entitled “Storage at the Federal Reserve Bank New York”. It looks like a photomontage rather than real gold, and the come-on is to believe it’s the Bundesbank’s. This gives the game away: the whole exercise is a public relations stunt.

Why hold any gold in New York nowadays? The Soviets are no longer menacing the Fulda Gap. Yes, New York is obviously still a critical trading venue, but not for physical gold – the Bundesbank apparently withdrew 940 tonnes from the Bank of England in 2000, where the physical market is actually located.

The reason this matters is that independent deductive analysis has concluded that the central banks have been supplying the market with physical bullion in order to suppress the price, all of which is either officially denied or goes unanswered. The origin of price suppression actually go back to the 1990s, and was exposed by Frank Veneroso in a paper published in 1998, confirmed by detective work from our own James Turk, and triply confirmed by the evasive responses on this issue given by central banks and the IMF to the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA). The public are unaware of this issue because the mainstream media, with the occasional exception, refuses to investigate the subject.

But here is something that joins up a few more dots. We know that Gordon Brown sold half of Britain’s gold at the bottom of the market from 1999-2002. We commonly assume that he was just incompetent. What is not commonly appreciated is that he learned his economics from Ed Balls, the current Shadow Chancellor. As his economics advisor, Balls was the puppet-master and Chancellor Brown the puppet. Ed Balls was also a close friend of Larry Summers, who was US Deputy Secretary of the Treasury from 1995 and then Secretary of the Treasury from 1999 to 2001 – the time of Britain’s gold sales. As Treasury secretary Summers was head of the Exchange Stabilization Fund, the US government’s mechanism for supplying bullion to the markets. In the light of these deeply Keynesian relationships from the mid-1990s, it is unlikely that Brown acted in isolation. More than likely Washington was also supplying the market through swaps and leases that were never recorded as changes of ownership.

The net result is that there is not enough physical gold left in the vault to deliver to Germany, which is why they are stalling for time. What was presented to us last Wednesday was just a desperate attempt to stop the whole issue becoming more public.

Alasdair Macleod

Head of research, GoldMoney


Twitter @MacleodFinance

Innocents Betrayed – The Most Important Reason for the Second Amendment

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 12:08 PM PST

The 2003 film below, directed by the late Aaron Zelman, founder of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, is a documentary showing that in recent history government gun control has been a tool to disarm citizens, making them defenseless, helpless subjects.  In too many cases, gun registration led to wholesale or race-targeted arms confiscation, which occurred just before those governments committed unspeakable genocide.

The film, which contains disturbing and graphic footage (caution -- sensitive viewers should not watch it),  chronicles sickening genocides in Turkey, the Soviet Union, Germany, Uganda, Rwanda, China and other countries.


Our thanks to Irv Arenberg (no relation) for the link to this important video.  We deem it worthy of sharing at a time when anti-gun politicians are shamelessly attempting to use the act of a crazed lunatic to further their anti-gun, anti-liberty agenda.  The same politicians who favor making our children sitting ducks in so called "gun free zones."  (As if the criminally insane or wickedly evil will obey or feel constrained by any law - they won't, ever.  Gun free zones are merely lunatic magnets because they know the population in them is utterly defenseless, allowing the attacker opportunity for maximum casualties with low initial risk.) 

The only 'gun free zone' exists in misguided politicians' deluded, control-seeking minds.  Not in the real world.  

Stop all further gun control in the U.S. now and vote out any politician who sides with Big Brother absolute control of the people, instead of what our founders intended – confident, well armed, freedom-loving people in control of government.  The founders understood that a well armed citizen is one of the most essential checks and balances of power in a free country. 

There has already been too much erosion of that freedom.  Our policy must be:  Zero tolerance to further Second Amendment liberty erosion and continue to encourage responsible private gun ownership here and abroad.      

Source: YouTube

For further information about JPFO, consider this message from Rabbi Bendory regarding our Jewish friends and gun control.  Although we are not Jewish, we do support JPFO and encourage others to become involved.   



Western Banking: Money For Nothing -- Literally

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 12:08 PM PST

For those seeking economic truths (in a world saturated with corporate propaganda), it can often be useful and revealing to follow the work of the Apologists. In attempting to "explain" the transgressions of their Masters; it is nearly inevitable that details will slip out – details which their Masters would have rather remained secret.

A classic example would be when Jeffrey Christian of the CPM Group – an ex-Goldman Sachs banker and noted banking apologist – was testifying before the CFTC regarding the issue of manipulation in bullion markets. In attempting to 'pooh-pooh' the glaring/relentless manipulation taking place in these markets, Christian casually mentioned that "the gold market" was about one hundred times larger than the actual amount of bullion being traded.

Let me reiterate this: the actual total of assorted "paper bullion" and "bullion derivative" products in this market has leveraged the amount of real bullion being traded by a factor of approximately 100:1. Two points follow from this slip-of-the-tongue.

First, quite obviously in attempting to cover-up the serial manipulation of bullion markets the Western financial crime syndicate would have preferred that people didn't know that every ounce of gold and silver being traded was leveraged (in aggregate) by roughly 100:1. It's not the sort of thing which gives the Chumps "confidence" in the bankers' paper-bullion "products."

Secondly, given that this admission came from one of the bankers' "friends", and is now several years old; that 100:1 ballpark estimate must now be regarded as a very conservative figure. However, Jeffrey Christian is not the only one of the bankers' friends to have been damning them with faint praise.

The legendary banking apologists of Bloomberg were recently attempting to stamp-out any fears that an imminent downgrade of the U.S.'s (farcical) Triple-A credit rating would lead to a plunge in U.S. bond prices – and soaring interest rates. They did this by pointing out that the credit ratings (on government bonds) made by the banking analysts at these ratings agencies are totally irrelevant. Said Bloomberg:

Bond investors needn't worry that a rating cut will hurt returns. About half the time, government yields move in the opposite direction suggested by new ratings, according to data compiled by Bloomberg on 314 upgrades, downgrades and outlook changes going back to 1974.

Thus according to Bloomberg, investors in government bonds could have gotten equally good "advice" on the direction of bond prices and interest rates for the past 40 years by flipping a coin – meaning that the services provided by these bankers were/are worthless (as a tautology of logic).

Of course here is where it gets interesting: credit ratings (i.e. the creditworthiness of nations) should matter in determining bond prices and interest rates. There are only two possible explanations as to how/why the credit ratings of Western sovereign debt have been totally worthless for (at least) 40 years:

1) The bankers working for the credit ratings agencies are utterly incompetent (or corrupt).

2) Western bond markets are so heavily manipulated that they simply do not respond to economic fundamentals.

Readers can choose the explanation which they find most plausible. Note that (1) and (2) are not mutually exclusive.

However, such revelations pale in comparison to the recent work of German propaganda-outlet, Der Spiegel. While Bloomberg's apologist was merely trying to explain/defend the absurdly corrupt U.S. bond market; Der Spiegel was attempting to defend/justify "investment banking" as a whole.

Are We Heading To An Economic Crash In The Next Few Years – YouTube

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 11:58 AM PST

Check our website daily at...

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Signs of shortage of investment silver, CMI's Haynes tells King World News

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 11:02 AM PST

10a PT Sunday, January 20, 2013

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Bill Haynes of CMI Gold & Silver today tells King World News about signs that a shortage of investment silver is developing. An excerpt from the interview is posted at the King World News blog here:


CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.


Opinion Around the World Is Changing
in Favor of Gold -- Find Out Why

When Deutschebank calls gold "good money" and paper "bad money". ...


When the president of the German central bank, the Bundesbank, pays tribute to gold as "a timeless classic". ...


When a leading member of the policy committee of the People's Bank of China calls the gold standard "an excellent monetary system". ...


When a CNN reporter writes in The China Post that the "gold commission" plank in the 2012 Republican platform will "reverberate around the world". ...


When the Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy of the U.S. House of Representatives twice called on economist, historian, and gold standard advocate Lewis E. Lehrman to testify. ...

World opinion is changing in favor of gold.

How can you learn why and what it will mean to you?

Read the newly updated and expanded edition of Lehrman's book, "The True Gold Standard."

Financial journalist James Grant says of "The True Gold Standard": "If you have ever wondered how the world can get from here to there -- from the chaos of depreciating paper to a convertible currency worthy of our children and our grandchildren -- wonder no more. The answer, brilliantly expounded, is between these covers. America has long needed a modern Alexander Hamilton. In Lewis E. Lehrman she has finally found him."

To buy a copy of "The True Gold Standard," please visit:


Join GATA here:

Vancouver Resource Investment Conference
Sunday-Monday, January 20 and 21, 2013
Vancouver Convention Centre West
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

* * *

Support GATA by purchasing DVDs of our London conference in August 2011 or our Dawson City conference in August 2006:


Or by purchasing a colorful GATA T-shirt:


Or a colorful poster of GATA's full-page ad in The Wall Street Journal on January 31, 2009:


Help keep GATA going

GATA is a civil rights and educational organization based in the United States and tax-exempt under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Its e-mail dispatches are free, and you can subscribe at:


To contribute to GATA, please visit:



Fred Goldstein and Tim Murphy open All Pro Gold

Longtime GATA supporters Fred Goldstein and Tim Murphy have brought their many years of experience in the precious metals and numismatic coins to All Pro Gold as metals brokers who specialize in the delivery of gold and silver bullion bars and coins as well as numismatic gold and silver coins. Fred and Tim follow these markets closely and are assisted by a team of consultants in monitoring market trends. All Pro Gold offers GATA supporters competitive pricing on all bullion products and welcomes inquiries. Tim can be reached at 602-299-2585 and Tim@allprogold.com, Fred at 602-799-8378 and Fred@allprogold.com. Ask about their ratio strategy and the relationship of generic $20 dollar gold pieces to 1-ounce gold bullion coins. Visit their Internet site at http://www.allprogold.com/.

Jan Skoyles: Why is Germany repatriating their gold?

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 10:55 AM PST

9:51a PT Sunday, January 20, 2013

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Analyzing the Deutsche Bundesbank's plan to repatriate some of Germany's gold reserves, The Real Asset Co.'s Jan Skoyles notes GATA's extraction from the Federal Reserve of an acknowledgment that it has secret gold swap arrangements with foreign banks. Skoyles' commentary is headlined "Why Is Germany Repatriating Their Gold?" and it's posted at The Real Asset Co.'s Internet site here:


CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.


Fred Goldstein and Tim Murphy open All Pro Gold

All-Pro Gold, run by long-time GATA supporters Fred Goldstein and Tim Murphy, offers its services to GATA supporters and anyone else interested in precious metals. The company brokers a full line of precious metals and numismatic coins. It aims to inform prospective clients about the importance of the monetary metals as part of a diversified financial portfolio and to keep prospective clients current with market trends. All-Pro Gold has competitive pricing and ships promptly to clients so they may have physical possession. Learn more by e-mailing Fred@allprogold.com or Tim@allprogold.com or telephone 1-855-377-4653 or visit www.allprogold.com.

Join GATA here:

Vancouver Resource Investment Conference
Sunday-Monday, January 20 and 21, 2013
Vancouver Convention Centre West
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

* * *

Support GATA by purchasing DVDs of our London conference in August 2011 or our Dawson City conference in August 2006:


Or by purchasing a colorful GATA T-shirt:


Or a colorful poster of GATA's full-page ad in The Wall Street Journal on January 31, 2009:


Help keep GATA going

GATA is a civil rights and educational organization based in the United States and tax-exempt under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Its e-mail dispatches are free, and you can subscribe at:


To contribute to GATA, please visit:



Opinion Around the World Is Changing
in Favor of Gold -- Find Out Why

When Deutschebank calls gold "good money" and paper "bad money". ...


When the president of the German central bank, the Bundesbank, pays tribute to gold as "a timeless classic". ...


When a leading member of the policy committee of the People's Bank of China calls the gold standard "an excellent monetary system". ...


When a CNN reporter writes in The China Post that the "gold commission" plank in the 2012 Republican platform will "reverberate around the world". ...


When the Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy of the U.S. House of Representatives twice called on economist, historian, and gold standard advocate Lewis E. Lehrman to testify. ...

World opinion is changing in favor of gold.

How can you learn why and what it will mean to you?

Read the newly updated and expanded edition of Lehrman's book, "The True Gold Standard."

Financial journalist James Grant says of "The True Gold Standard": "If you have ever wondered how the world can get from here to there -- from the chaos of depreciating paper to a convertible currency worthy of our children and our grandchildren -- wonder no more. The answer, brilliantly expounded, is between these covers. America has long needed a modern Alexander Hamilton. In Lewis E. Lehrman she has finally found him."

To buy a copy of "The True Gold Standard," please visit:


Kim Dotcom makes a Mega spectacle of file-sharing site’s launch | Technology | The Guardian

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 08:52 AM PST

Check our website daily at...

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American Crash: Kicking The Can Will Blow Up In Their Face

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 08:16 AM PST

The proverbial "can" we keep hearing about being kicked down the road by our Federal Government as they "attempt to tackle" the Nation's fiscal and debt crisis, is now the the size of a barrel.  And this barrel now contains a large nuclear device.  Nobody knows for sure when the next kick will detonate this "financial weapon of mass destruction", but be assured that one day in the not to far off future a mushroom cloud will envelope the US Dollar, and decimate the economy of the United States of America.

If you are reading this, you'll agree that this national catastrophe is inevitable.  Sadly, 95% of Americans haven't got a clue about this imminent threat to their well being and "way of life".  No, they have been convinced by their government and the mainstream media that a much more potent threat exists in our country today:  A Muslim with a box cutter is going to take over the country, a psycho-derelict with a "military assault style weapon" is going to savage their community, or yet another Kardashian sister will bear one more illegitimate child into the world.

Blind folds and denial will not save the 95% currently in the dark from almost certain personal financial destruction.  Only the Truth and physical Gold and Silver will give you a fighting chance to survive when your "way of life" is taken from you in what will seem like the "blink of an eye".  [A gun, plenty of ammo, and a good stash of canned goods and water will help also.]

Just as you can "lead a horse to water, but not make him drink", the Truth is out there for people to consider, but you can't make them think.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has a message every American should here, but few will.

Dr. Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following.

Dr. Roberts message is simple and concise:

America is Going to Crash Big Time

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan Administration, and he warns, "America is going to crash big time." Dr. Roberts says, "The real problem is not the fiscal cliff." The dollar is on very thin ice. Dr. Roberts says, "They can't stop hemorrhaging the debt, and the way they cover that is to hemorrhage the dollar." In this real time scenario, Dr. Roberts goes on to say, "When you have debt pouring out and dollars pouring out, the dollar can't keep its value forever. At some point, people will run away from it, and it will start abroad." Dr. Roberts thinks there is "an impending collapse of the exchange value," and the U.S. dollar could unexpectedly plunge in buying power. Dr. Roberts contends, "All of a sudden, people walk into Walmart, as usual, and they think they've walked into Neiman Marcus." Dr. Roberts says there are no quick fixes to the bulging debt because "there's no way to close this deficit when corporations are moving the tax base off-shore." Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.

The Insatiable's

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 07:55 AM PST

Over the last two years, I have arguably been one of the most accurate forecasters of silver, the dollar and the CRB index - by maintaining one fundamental belief ... Read More...

Gold And Silver - Ayn Rand, Sir Walter Scott, And Nearing 'Crunch Time'

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 07:53 AM PST

We are in a trench warfare with central bankers, hellbent on destroying capitalism, sovereign nations, currencies, all in the service of achieving world dominance, via deception, letting nothing and no one stand in the way. Read More...

Gold reserve mysteries

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 07:00 AM PST

Last Wednesday the Bundesbank released a statement to the effect that 300 tonnes of Germany's gold will be moved from New York and 374 tonnes from Paris. This should be a simple operation: rail ...

Gold And Silver Nearing “Crunch Time”

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 06:59 AM PST

“…Oh! What a tangled web we weave When first we practice to deceive…” From Marmion, Canto VI, Stanza 17, Sir Walter Scott What does this have to do with gold and silver? Everything! We are in a trench warfare with central bankers, hellbent on destroying capitalism, sovereign nations, currencies, all in the service of achieving world dominance, via deception, letting nothing and no one stand in the way. The importance of gold and, to a lesser extent, silver are the Achilles Heel of the Bilderberg Clan’s largest Ponzi scheme ever. Whatever one may think of the Mafia, they are bit players in contrast to the central banking clan, the most ruthless collection of individuals ever assembled.

Something Substantial Has Just Changed In The Silver Market

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 12:45 AM PST

On the heels of KWN receiving more reports that available retail silver products are disappearing from wholesaler and dealer inventories, acclaimed trader Dan Norcini told King World News that something substantial has also just changed in the paper silver market. Here is what Norcini had to say: "Most of the time shortages don't mean there is not a lot of the commodity around, it just means there is not a lot of it available at that particular price. In other words, silver is sitting out in the vaults of investors. There are guys with 1,000 ounce bars, and quite frankly, they are not interested in selling that metal at prices down near $30."

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

When to invest in gold

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 12:23 AM PST

The Real Asset Co

Why is Germany repatriating their gold?

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 12:00 AM PST

The Real Asset Co

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