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Monday, November 28, 2016

Gold World News Flash

Gold World News Flash

Geopolitical Overhaul: What Will A Post-Obama World Look Like?

Posted: 27 Nov 2016 11:00 PM PST

Submitted by Gregory R. Copley via OilPrice.com,

US President-elect Donald J. Trump in many ways faces the most circumscribed strategic options of any modern U.S. President entering office. Not only has the global context changed — and will change rapidly even further — so also has the United States’ abilities, tools, and resources to assert itself on the world stage.

The options, opportunities, and threats, then, are substantially new, not only to the US, but to the rest of the world, and therefore require clean-sheet analysis for every society. Similarly, the scale of urban-regional political divides in the United States and in most other countries is now unprecedented, and this makes the immediate future less predictable than in the past, especially when coupled with global popula-tion movement and growth and decline trends.

The two significant structural changes of 2016 — the United Kingdom’s vote to leave the European Union and the U.S. election of Donald Trump — were the confirmation that the globalism era was being forcibly rejected by electorates in modern societies, even though the structures and tools of globalization (com-munications, access) will continue to flourish in a changing environment.

Strategic re-thinking may be most difficult for the U.S. itself, given that the U.S. was the pre-eminent glob-al power and perhaps the sole superpower just a decade or two prior. The context in which that condition prevailed has now changed, and faces significant variables in the coming decades. As a result, attempts to posture U.S. strategic policy and actions as a mere linear extrapolation of the past era of unquestioned dominance will result merely in delaying the US’ ability to respond appropriately to the new global archi-tecture.

Much of the rest of the world is already on the move in terms of policy thinking. The most reluctant to adjust strategic policy thinking are the close historical allies of the US, most particularly, for example, Austral-ia and some European states. This is particularly evidenced by their sense of denial of the voting changes in the U.S. and the UK, and their belief that the U.S. and UK must return to the status quo ante. Even Canada and Japan are stirring in their understanding that the world is changing, even if they are as yet unaware of the scope of change they require.

Several “new” macro-level realities are evident, and which are creating new and evolving dynamics:

- Russia and the People’s Republic of China have broken out of their earlier containment by the West;


- The Five+one deal with Iran in 2015 was one of the factors which changed the Middle East dynamic irreversibly. That factor was compounded by the strategic decline now facing Saudi Arabia, which had (because of the collapse of Iranian governance in 1979 and the decades of isolation which followed for Iran) enjoyed an artificial period of regional dominance;


- The artificial structure of the European Union is in profound decline, but its continued existence in its present form will make it difficult for member states and their allies to achieve any strategic flexi-bility, which may set the stage for implosion. The euro currency is being deployed as a holding measure to ensure a degree of control, but it is also inhibiting flexible economic recovery mecha-nisms within member states;


- Some parts of Africa and the Middle East, now without overarching external power and economic in-fluence to give them structure, are reverting to the influence of traditional factors. Inherent con-cepts of nationhood and sovereignty will begin to emerge, but will be resisted by the “modern” power structures — the post-colonial nation-state structures and borders of Africa and the Middle East — which were created in the 20th Century, and which have benefited from the exploitation of the inherent wealth of those societies. In other words, older ethnic, linguistic, and cultural struc-tures will begin again to re-assert influence;


- New security technologies and structures are emerging which render obsolescent many older sys-tems and doctrines, and yet capital-intensive legacy systems and thinking cannot yet be entirely abandoned. This is its own technology version of the “Thucydides Trap”: rising new security options versus declining older capabilities. As a result, the risk of miscalculation in attempting strate-gic confrontation has risen substantially, and in many respects this represents a generational gap in thinking as to how to technologically and doctrinally approach the transformed global architecture;


- Totally transformed population cohesion in many societies — due to population decline (in many areas), urbanization and trans-national migration — significantly impacts national productivity and economic planning, but in turn raises the viability of earlier (pre-globalism) approaches to self-sufficiency within nation-states; and so on.

Managing the Post-Containment Era

It is not merely a matter of recognizing that the past two centuries or so of containment of Russia and China have ended, it is worth looking at the separate original and evolving reasons for those policies in the first place, as well as understanding the reality that the containment policies could not even be reinstated adequately even if that was a desirable policy. But the fact that the rigid architecture has now been breached, it behooves analysts to look at the options which are afforded to all the parties.

Does this mean that the ostensible neutrality of the global commons — the oceans and open skies/space — has also now been breached? Not necessarily. Does it mean that absolute Western dominance over these commons will continue? Absolutely not. These basic factors mean that new diplomatic thinking is required to deal with global commons issues which are now of multi-polar concern.

Does the end of containment mean that the sea lines of communications (SLOCs) are now less assuredly in the hands of the US-led West? Absolutely, and this condition has been transforming for more than a dec-ade. In some respect, the SLOCs and maritime choke-points are up for negotiation, and the PRC itself has been moving globally to assert its commercial/diplomatic position of choke-point/SLOC control even be-fore, in 2016, it had acquired the military capacity to do so, a situation which is still evolving.

Russia’s recent and current diplomacy with Turkey and Ukraine has had this issue as a primary driver, too: to ensure expanded, even unfettered, maritime access to Russia’s south. Arguably, the covert and proxy warfare of the U.S. against Russia for the past eight years, attempting to dominate Ukraine and Georgia in particular, has had as its primary motivation the continued containment of Russia.

Significantly, U.S. Pres. Ronald Reagan (1981-89) had — along with UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher — the objective themselves of ending the containment of Russia, a policy which had solidified with the Crimean War (1853-56). The Reagan view was that the Cold War should be won as quickly as possible and that the Russian/Soviet peoples should be integrated with the West.

Successive U.S. administrations failed to allow this to happen, or actively campaigned to ensure that it would not. Particularly emerging as anti-Russian post-Cold War U.S. administrations were those of Presi-dents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Significantly, present in both of these administrations was the con-tributing influence of Hillary Clinton and others who had profoundly identified with the Soviet philosophies in the USSR, which the end of the Cold War also brought to an end. As a result, the past eight years of the Obama Administration saw a hardening of U.S. anti-Russian policies and a consequent defensive posturing of Russia which, however, fell short of being expressly anti-Western.

For the incoming U.S. Trump Administration, the difficulty will be in moving away from the U.S. confrontational posture toward Russia (in particular), without further diminishing the perceived national standing of the US. This will see a difficult set of strategic-diplomatic challenges for Washington, if it is not to further erode its standing in the Middle East and Mediterranean while damping down concerns within the Europe-an community, particularly in the Balkan states and Poland.

This will require Washington to avoid being led, particularly by Poland and Lithuania and their historical concerns and rivalries with Moscow, into strategies which are against broader U.S. interests while at the same time preserving a stable balance in Europe. But at this time, for the first time since World War II, Washington must ask itself whether its interests still lie in seeing a prosperous Europe, or whether the U.S. can afford to once again be a guarantor of European peace. It is possible that the U.S. must now consider the cost-benefit ratio of such a commitment, given that the U.S. itself is not at present in a position to of-fer unlimited largesse.

The end of the containment of the PRC poses different questions for the US. The maritime challenge for the U.S. must now differentiate between being able to counterbalance the PRC’s People’s Liberation Army-Navy (PLAN) on the global commons and being able to counter-balance it (and other PRC military capabili-ties) in China’s near-ocean areas, such as the South China Sea. For the former, the USN’s legacy capabili-ties and doctrine retain the advantage; for the latter, the PRC has gained the advantage. In the broader Indo-Pacific realm, and the attendant ASEAN, Suez-Red Sea, Cape of Good Hope and other areas, the power projection capabilities of the US’ allies (Japan, Australia, the ROC, ROK) and India will be a critical component of the equation, but that fabric requires Washington to sit down for a sober reassessment of the framework.

It is insufficient for the U.S. to complain that its key allies in the region have done insufficient work to manage this situation; the U.S. itself has comprehensively and progressively failed in this arena for the past decade, in large part causing its Asian and Australasian allies to doubt whether the continued alliance with the U.S. could be sustained.

The situation vis-à-vis the PRC begs for a revised approach by the U.S. to its strategic allies, bearing in mind that the old doctrine of containing the PRC within the First Island Chain has been breached, requiring the U.S. and its allies to think of a more flexible strategy for assured dominance of trade routes to, for exam-ple, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of China (ROC: Taiwan), and the ASEAN states, given that the Philippines (an ASEAN member) has removed itself from the US-aligned security bloc.3

New sea line doctrines will emerge, including the prospect of some Asian maritime traffic from the Indian Ocean skirting the South China Sea in times of crisis or tension. The viability of sea routes south of Austral-ia and into the broader Pacific, northward to Japan, the ROK, and ROC, will be considered. As far as the East China Sea is concerned, it is now clear that Japan’s strenuous maritime and air power projection ca-pabilities have caused Beijing to approach projection into that region with greater caution than it has done in the South China Sea.

The abject failure of the Obama Administration to take up the proposals by then ROC Pres. Ma Ying-jeou on August 5, 2012, to create an East China Sea Peace Initiative, which would have enabled harmonious management of the area’s resources, setting aside questions of sovereignty. There was strong evidence that the Japanese Government would have supported that, as well as the PRC, but for the hasty and in-completely-thought-through response of the U.S. Dept. of State supporting a move by the then-Governor of Tokyo to attempt to assert Japanese sovereignty over the Diaoyutai/Diauyu/Senkaku islands, something the Tokyo Governor had no jurisdiction to proclaim.4 The East China Sea situation deteriorated from there, only re-stabilized by a major Japanese investment in naval and air power capabilities, a process which is ongoing.

Inevitably, the question arises in Japan, the ROK, and the U.S. as to whether the transformed situation calls for Japan or South Korea to consider the adoption of nuclear weapons as part of their deterrence against further strategic loss to the PRC or the DPRK (North Korea). This would be a reversion to 20th Century think-ing and realities. Nuclear weapons no longer represent the most cost-effective (or, indeed, effective) mili-tary capability under such circumstances, and the cost of building and maintaining a military nuclear capa-bility would be much higher than the cost of adopting anti-nuclear capabilities and cyber/information dom-inance capabilities which could more adequately contain a PRC or DPRK nuclear threat.

As history shows, when weapons can be countered by cheaper defenses, or can be leapfrogged by cheaper and more flexible technologies, there is little argument to be had in favor of the more expensive systems. Forcing an adversary to depend on expensive systems which can be countered by cheaper (and therefore potentially more pervasive) systems is a path to strategic success. Building nuclear capabilities in today’s strategic environment only has a short-term psychological viability, but a long-term economic/force struc-ture distortion cost.

But this would not obviate a move by the ROK or Japan into the adoption of nuclear weapons for tactical functions, such as anti-fleet or other counter-force doctrines.

Iran and the New Middle Eastern Framework

Iran’s position vis-à-vis the U.S. remains a point of emotional and jingoistic policymaking for both Wash-ington and Tehran, but this defies strategic logic. The reality is that Iran has also broken out of the regime of sanctions containment of it which has prevailed since 1979, and Iran is poised to once again be the dominant power in its region, based simply on historical unity, resources, industrial and scientific capabil-ity, its agricultural base, and its geopolitical situation.

It can also be argued that Iran’s “revolutionary” internal dynamic is now settling on a path toward normali-zation in historical Persian terms. Its framework — although declared as an “Islamic republic” — actually parallels the Persian norm: its “Supreme Leader” is essentially akin to the sultans and sultan-shahs of the Qajar and Sassanid eras, which combined the secular and theocratic leadership of the state or empire into what the Turks would have dubbed an “ethnarchic”5 post, much as the British sovereign combined (and nominally still combines) the post of secular and religious symbolic leadership.

Continuing to view Iran as a solely theocratic state, driven by Shi’ism, overlooks the reality that Iran con-tinues to be a Persian geopolitical entity. It is geopolitics which drives Iran, and it is Shi’ism which gives on-ly nominal legitimacy to the clerics who currently control the governance of the State.

Equally, it would be outmoded for the incoming U.S. Administration to view Iran, or the greater Middle East, in terms of its significance as an energy supplier. The age of concentrated oil and gas dependence on the region is over, particularly for the US, and the main importance of the Middle East to the U.S. — apart from its dominance of trade crossroads — is how the region spends its largely energy-derived wealth. With the impending economic constraints facing Saudi Arabia, the medium-term play for the U.S. to gain access to the spending of the region should largely be focused on Iran. Thus, for the U.S. to believe it is “punish-ing” Iran by denying it the ability to buy U.S. (Boeing) commercial aircraft, for example, or (because of the high U.S. parts content) Airbus aircraft, is almost ludicrously short-sighted.

Similarly, the outrage which entered the U.S. political campaign season in 2016 over the release of US-held Iranian funds as a result of the 2015 Five+one accords with Iran misses the point that the release of Iran’s own funds to the Iranian Government opened the way for a normalization of relations which would have benefited the U.S. perhaps even more than it would benefit Iran. The claim that the accords did not defini-tively stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons itself missed the point: Iran already has a stockpile of nu-clear weapons, including at least several weapons designed and developed by Iran itself.6

But even that debate over Iranian nuclear weapons capabilities misses the point. Ultimately, it is Iran which is the key to accessing Central Asia, at least as far as the U.S. is concerned, and it is also a key area of southward projection by Russia and the PRC into the Middle East. Thus, the incoming Trump Administration would do well to undertake a clean-sheet analysis of its position in the Northern Tier, including an evalua-tion of whether the time has come to support the creation of a Kurdish state which would break up the resurgent Islamist offensive intent of Turkey against the West, the Middle East, and the Caucasus.

It is clear, in this regard, that Turkey is no longer a “Western bulwark” against Russia. Quite the contrary.

Similarly, while the outgoing Obama Administration is still attempting to maneuver the U.S. into a long-term military engagement in Yemen and Syria (Barack Obama’s intended legacy to the next U.S. Admin-istration), the reality must be faced as to whether such an engagement is, in fact, in the US’ strategic inter-est. That particularly must be considered given the questionable stability of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia which, like Turkey, faces a fracturing or collapse of the state within a decade.

The Trump Administration must ask itself what is important to it in the Middle East in the medium- to long-term. For the U.S. to re-start its influence and prestige in the region, the answers must include:

- Security and freedom of transit through the Mediterranean, Suez Canal, and Red Sea;


- Security and freedom of transit through the Arabian Sea, Strait of Hormuz, and Persian Gulf;


- Stable and reliable access to the entire Mediterranean littoral, including access through the Levant to the Persian Gulf and Iran (which implies a settled relationship with Syria, Iraq, and Iran);


- A cessation of the ability of Turkey to interfere with, or directly oppose, U.S. interests in the region and in the Black Sea (which is currently the case), and therefore whether this demands U.S. support to break up Turkey to allow for a Kurdish state, and the withdrawal of Turkish hostile influence over Cyprus and the Ægean. In essence, this also begs the question as to whether it is now time to restructure the alliance with Greece, to the extent that a dysfunctional Greek Government would also consider its own longer-term interests;


- Rapid development of the Eastern Mediterranean gas deposits by Israel, Egypt, Cyprus, Lebanon, and Greece to strengthen the already-developing regional bloc(s) which are essentially stabilizing to the region;


- Assist in the evolution of a nascent common market area engaging, initially, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and Western Saudi Arabia, possibly extending over time to include Syria and Lebanon;


- Rapid cessation of the conflict in Yemen and Syria;


- Cooperative resolution of Nile waters issues, particularly between Egypt and Ethiopia, but also in-cluding possible development of White Nile expansion, linking to Congo River to boost overall Nile water flow;


- Containment of the destabilization efforts against Ethiopia, by Eritrea, supported by others;


- Preparation for a potential break-up of Yemen, and preparation to help ensure continuity and stabil-ity in Oman in preparation for a post-Qabus Government;


- Isolating Turkish support for DI’ISH (Islamic Caliphate) operations, particularly in Syria, Libya, and the Sinai;


- Reversing the past eight years of U.S. support for the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan);


- Promoting international recognition of the Republic of Somaliland and promoting a return to politi-cal stability and normalcy there, to attain improved security on the Red Sea egress to the Indian Ocean;


- Seeking a new modus vivendi in the RedMed region (Eastern Mediterranean and Red Sea) to balance PRC expansion into that region;


Is It Over? Dow Futures Drop As USDJPY Tumbles Most Since July

Posted: 27 Nov 2016 06:36 PM PST

After 16 days in a row without a meaningful decline, Asia trading has opened with USDJPY dumping back from almost 114.00 to 111.50 - the biggest drop since July 29th. The USD Index is down most since Trump's win but for now the moves in equities (Japanese and US) are modest (but down)...


Yen is heavily bid as Asia trading opens


The biggest drop in USDJPY since July...


As the post-Trump surge in the dollar has seemingly stalled...


Japanese equities are getting hit...


but for now, the Friday spike in US equities at the close is stalling (though modestly)...

Preparing for War Russia Moves Nuclear Capable Missiles to Europe to counter the EU

Posted: 27 Nov 2016 06:30 PM PST

 Russia is deploying short-range ballistic missiles to its western European enclave, it emerged yesterday as President Putin threatened "counter-measures" against Nato expansion. The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries ,...

[[ This is a content summary only. Visit http://www.newsbooze.com or http://www.figanews.com for full links, other content, and more! ]]

PROPHECY ALERT: "Israel Attacks ISIS On Syria Border"

Posted: 27 Nov 2016 06:00 PM PST

 Israel attacks and kills 4 members of ISIS near the Israeli border The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

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The U.S. Silver Market Experienced Two Signficant Developments

Posted: 27 Nov 2016 06:00 PM PST

SRSrocco Report

By the SRSrocco Report,

According to the USGS most recent report, the U.S. silver market experienced two significant developments in August.  From the data published in the USGS August Silver Mineral Industry Survey, U.S. silver production declined significantly while silver imports surged to near record highs.

First, U.S. silver production in August is down a stunning 14% compared to the same month last year and down 10% versus the previous month:

USGS U.S. Silver Production

This is certainly a big decline compared to the trend earlier in the year where the average U.S. silver mine supply was approximately 95 metric tons a month.  What makes this quite surprising is that the price of silver hit a high of $20.7 in August, nearly $5 higher than during January-March.  So, why is U.S. silver production declining so much as the price continued higher??

I called up the USGS Silver Specialist and left a message on their answering service as to the details why silver production in the U.S. declined so much in August.  However, no reply was forthcoming in the following days.

Secondly, the U.S. silver imports hit a near record high of 581 metric tons (mt) in August versus 502 mt in July and 464 mt in June:

U.S. Silver Imports

This large jump in U.S. silver imports is interesting as demand for the iShares Silver ETF was basically flat in August.  Even though the SLV ETF silver inventories surged during the first half of the year, it was relatively flat in July and August.

What I found also quite interesting is that the U.S. imported 55 mt of silver from Poland in August which was half of their total monthly mine supply.  Poland produces about 105 mt of silver a month.  Normally, Poland exports no more than 10-20 mt of silver a month to the United States.

For whatever reason, U.S. silver imports surged as the price hit a record high of $20.7 in August.  As I mentioned, this silver did not make its way into the iShares Silver SLV ETF as their inventories remained flat.  So, where did it go?

Well, according to the information from the COMEX, total inventories on the exchange increased from 153 million oz (Moz) at the beginning of August to 163 Moz by the end of the month.  Thus, the COMEX silver inventories increased 10 Moz or 311 metric tons in August.  Thus, some of the nearly 80 metric tons imported by the United States in August made its way into the COMEX silver inventories.

Of course, that is if the COMEX holds all the silver it states in its inventories or if each silver bar doesn't have several owners.

Regardless, to see such a large decline in U.S. silver production in August was quite surprising.  Furthermore, the Silver Institute just put out their 2016 Interim Silver Report which they state that world silver production is forecasted to decline in 2016.

Unfortunately, once U.S. and global oil production starts to head south in a big way, world silver production will most certainly follow suit.  More about this in future articles.

Lastly, I will begin posting articles by The Hills Group on the oil and energy market this weekend.  Bedford Hill of The Hills Group, has a wealth of knowledge on the oil industry, their ETP Oil Model as well as other aspects of the energy industry.  I posted The Hills Group short response to the USGS announcement of a new 20 billion barrel oil resource in the Wolfcamp Shale formation in Texas.

Lastly, if you haven't checked out our new PRECIOUS METALS INVESTING section or our new LOWEST COST PRECIOUS METALS STORAGE page, I highly recommend you do.

Check back for new articles and updates at the SRSrocco Report.

After the Collapse: The End of Time

Posted: 27 Nov 2016 04:00 PM PST

 What is the role of time in grid down? This is one of the most abstract After the Collapse installments yet, so it may not be for everyone but I hope it at least gets you thinking. I had to omit a lot from this one due to time constraints and not finding an appropriate place for it in the...

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Hey Jill Stein - You Want A Recount? Bring it on!

Posted: 27 Nov 2016 02:00 PM PST

 A recount will only reveal the fact that Donald Trump probably one by even more votes than is currently being propagated. I really thought Jill Stein had principles but apparently she's nothing more than a progressive shill for Hillary Clinton. The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse...

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#PizzaGate cult runs a foul -- tripped up by Fake News -- Narrative collapses

Posted: 27 Nov 2016 12:30 PM PST

 Fake News Surge Pins D.C. Pizzeria As Home To Child-Trafficking 42 mins ago - NPR's Linda Wertheimer speaks with James Alefantis, owner of Comet Ping Pong. His Washington, DC restaurant was the victim of a damaging fake news story. The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog...

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SHOCKING: PIZZAGATE is REAL! Washington DC Insider REVEALS ALL! Pedo Secret Society! WIKILEAKS

Posted: 27 Nov 2016 12:00 PM PST

 SHOCKING: PIZZAGATE is REAL! Washington DC Insider REVEALS ALL! Pedo Secret Society!! anonymous wikileaks reports pizzagate Credits: Rebekah Roth and David Seamen The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative...

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Posted: 27 Nov 2016 11:30 AM PST

 Putin kicks Rothschild's out of Russian , The world is a chees board The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

[[ This is a content summary only. Visit http://www.newsbooze.com or http://www.figanews.com for full links, other content, and more! ]]

Leak! U.S Veteran SOLDIER exposes the TRUTH about NWO Martial Law and Illuminati GOV PLAN (2016)

Posted: 27 Nov 2016 10:00 AM PST

Can't they see the changes? the control? the lies? Those in power will take control only because we let them. It's time for honest men to set things right! They have already crossed the line! The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists ,...

[[ This is a content summary only. Visit http://www.newsbooze.com or http://www.figanews.com for full links, other content, and more! ]]

Gold is Oversold but Broken

Posted: 27 Nov 2016 09:00 AM PST

Last week we wrote that the 2016 bull market in Gold and gold stocks had gone off course. It had moved too far out of the historical boundaries to remain a bull market. There was also other evidence of such including but not limited to rising real yields. Gold's last hope was to hold $1200-$1210 and rebound back to the highs. It has broken bull market support ($1200-$1210 and $1230) and could be on its way to $1050 in the next few months.

GATA urgently needs help to keep fighting

Posted: 27 Nov 2016 08:44 AM PST

11:45a ET Sunday, November 27, 2016

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Government intervention in the financial markets generally and against the monetary metals particularly has never been more intense and as obvious as it is now. As a result, investors in the monetary metals and advocates of free and transparent markets and limited and accountable government seem to be more demoralized than ever. Support for GATA has eroded severely even as we have dragged so much of this market rigging into the open that it no longer can be denied, only ignored.

The other day a GATA supporter wrote that if 100,000 investors in gold and silver mining companies would donate just $10 to GATA, the organization would have a war chest of a million dollars with which it could undertake new legal actions and publicity campaigns. Your secretary/treasurer thanked him for the thought but replied that not even a dozen mining companies care about the market rigging that suppresses the price of their products and that, as a result, most investors in the monetary metals have not been feeling very generous in a long time.

... Dispatch continues below ...


Golden Predator Finds New Veins of up to 30.8 g/t Gold;
Airborne Geophysics Completed at 3 Aces Project in Yukon

Company Announcement
Monday, November 21, 2016

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Canada -- Golden Predator Mining Corp. (TSX.V:GPY, OTCQX:NTGSF) is pleased to announce additional surface exploration results and the results of airborne geophysical surveys from ongoing work at the 3 Aces project in southeastern Yukon, Canada. Highlights include:

-- Seven of Spades: Newly discovered zone with stacked flat lying quartz veins returning values up to 18.55 g/t gold.

-- Queen of Spades: Newly discovered zone with values up to 30.8 g/t gold.

-- Jack of Spades: Additional results from continuous panel sampling of a second higher bench returned 20 meters of 7.62 g/t gold including 11.7 g/t gold over 12.4 meters and 37.9 g/t gold over 1.7 meters.

-- Three of Spades: Additional assays have increased strike length of vein with returns including 6.95 g/t gold. ...

... For the remainder of the announcement:


As a result, it has been a long time since GATA has asked for financial support to keep up the fight -- to continue investigating, documenting, and protesting the largely surreptitious interventions against the monetary metals, against free markets generally, and, really, against democracy itself. But GATA has gotten to the point financially where even our ordinary operations will be jeopardized if we don't soon generate substantial contributions.

Yes, we're challenging all the money and power in the world in the increasingly desperate hope of preventing realization of Orwell's vision of the future: "A boot stomping on a human face -- forever." We have had some good successes this year, exposing even the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as a clumsy dissembler about his institution's involvement in rigging the gold market. We also have exposed the complicity of mainstream financial news organizations.

For a summary of some of GATA's work this year, please see:


So if you're not yet completely demoralized -- if you think this struggle is still worth pursuing in the spirit of liberty for people everywhere -- and if you have not already helped us, please consider helping GATA now. A mechanism for donating by credit card and information about donating by check and bitcoin can be found at GATA's internet site here:


(Donations in the United States are federally tax-deductible.)

Thanks for your consideration.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

Help keep GATA going

GATA is a civil rights and educational organization based in the United States and tax-exempt under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Its e-mail dispatches are free, and you can subscribe at:


To contribute to GATA, please visit:


Gold Price is Oversold but Broken

Posted: 27 Nov 2016 08:32 AM PST

Last week we wrote that the 2016 bull market in Gold and gold stocks had gone off course. It had moved too far out of the historical boundaries to remain a bull market. There was also other evidence of such including but not limited to rising real yields. Gold’s last hope was to hold $1200-$1210 and rebound back to the highs. It has broken bull market support ($1200-$1210 and $1230) and could be on its way to $1050 in the next few months.

This Past Week in Gold

Posted: 27 Nov 2016 08:22 AM PST

Technical analyst Jack Chan charts the latest moves in the gold and silver markets.

Italian Bank Collapse European Sovereign Bond Carnage, Criss-Crossed Fuses & Lit Bonfire

Posted: 27 Nov 2016 08:10 AM PST

Many are the potential fuses to be lit, which would create the conflagration, the massive bonfire of the bond vanities and bank charades. Many are the fuses lying around, all criss-crossed, all exposed, all overlapping each other in highly dangerous manner. If any single fuse is lit, then several will light and the detonation arrives. It is unavoidable since the financial world is so deeply interwoven. Never in modern history has the global financial structure been so badly weakened, so totally corrupted, so thoroughly undermined by control mechanisms, so intensely defended by sanctions even war. In 2007 and early 2008, the Jackass warned of a mortgage bust that would alter the global system forever. It happened with far reaching consequences which endure to this day.

Breaking News And Best Of The Web

Posted: 27 Nov 2016 01:37 AM PST

The political focus shifts to upcoming Italian, French and Austrian elections, all of which could go against the establishment. India’s war on cash may turn into war on gold. US Durable goods orders and service sector jump, home and car sales plunge. Black Friday store sales underwhelming. US dollar at highest level of the year. […]

The post Breaking News And Best Of The Web appeared first on DollarCollapse.com.

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